Thursday 19 March 2020

Violet Fire Mantra by Mr G Kukananthan.

"I AM a being of Violet Fire,
I AM the purity God desires".

* you are doing healing for your organs example :-
"My kidney is an organ of Violet Fire,
My kidney is the purity God desires".

* you are doing healing for your loved ones,
 (name) is a being of Violet Fire,
( name) is the purity God desires

*you are doing healing for your Business/Job/Company/Organization/City,
(name/place) is a business/work/organization/place of Violet Fire,
(name/place) is business/work/company/organization/city/country is the purity God desires.

Good to do this Affirmation 8 times whenever having negative thoughts/feelings or going to public places in times of an epidemic.

This also be done for others who needs healing or protection. 

  This affirmation raises consciousness to fine level and therefore averts attracting negative threats. 

 This technique is by my Reiki Master, 
Mr G.Kukananthan.
certified Reiki Teacher.
certified Pangu Shengong Teacher.
certified Cognitive Behavior Therapy by London College of Clinical Hypnosis (ASIA).
Solution Focused Coach (Canada)

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