Monday 6 January 2014

Basic Feng Shui Tips

By Feng Shui Master Dr Ooi Leng Chooi  of American Metaphysical Doctors Association

Dr Ooi is  my family Feng Shui Master and he taught me basic important  Feng Shui to be shared such as :-

Never  to sleep facing a mirror because in feng shui; mirror is used to reflect stale energy, so if you are sleeping facing a mirror (front or sides) stale energy reflects on you  which is not good for you.  (health, relationship, mind and body)

Never sleep next to a pillar or under a beam because it causes disturbance to our mind .

Never  position your children’s  bed / sleeping position where their legs are facing towards the room door , this will cause them to leave the house ( fights with parents ).

Your back door (kitchen) should not be the same price and quality as your Front door,  if it's the same; you are inviting “visitors” from the back door.

Never to choose color RED for kitchen cabinets because each year, the cancer star  visits every household and  red will attract cancer to empower anyone living in that house.

Renovation of house :- always make it a point  the Front door is facing the main gate of your house for chi to flow freely.   Bay windows are not recommended in Feng Shui.

Never to have a study table/working table , reading spot or favorite spot under a staircases.


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...