Tuesday 25 February 2014

Wishing All my BeYoutiful Warriors, Caregivers, Doctors, Nurses, Medical Team, Healing Hearts/Souls and Viewers a Well, Happy and JOY day.   Doctors/Nurses/Medical Team, May your presence and Aura brings peace and comfort to my BeYoutiful Warriors. And My BeYoutiful warriors be good to them.

(nope, AH is not pregnant)  

Tuesday 18 February 2014

This is from AH to Warriors who are moody and restless and recovering from Chemo/Radiation.
AH loves everyone without any discrimination. Enjoy it.
Love, Light & Blessings.
(coming up soon for caregivers, doctors, medical team and nurses)

Special delivery from Universal Life Force to my BeYoutiful Warriors who have been good to their Caregivers, doctors and Nurses and took their medication well

Good Night my BeYoutiful Warriors.



Hello ....my BeYoutiful warriors, caregivers, healing hearts/souls.
Are you a Happy soul today???  You should..cos you got free Healing hugs from Akashmic Harmony.
 AH use to give out this special hugs everyday to a special patient of hers connected by Divine,  got healed and doing very well now with great Joy and Happiness.    Hope it does the same to you too.

 {{{{{healing Hugs}}}}}

Sunday 16 February 2014

From My Country

From The World of Miracles & Mystic

Lovely Morning my BeYoutiful people.
Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you are going through,  wishing you an empowering Monday/week filled with Divine Love and Light in whatever you are about to achieve.
If you feeling  emotionally  down ; stay with AH by listening to mantras, empowering music or surround yourselves with positive people.  wooopssss.......Free Healing Hugs for everyone.

Saturday 15 February 2014

From my heart to you

Wishing my BeYoutiful warriors , Caregivers, Healing Hearts/Souls and  my unique GLTB , a day filled with Divine Love, Joy and Happiness.  To my lonely souls, you are loved by AH and her Divine Force.  Thank you for spending your time here with me.

 From my Mystical garden to you. 
 This is my fav. flower (not many know or have seen it). 
 Its called Gardenia.
Love it so much because its rare , grows to its time and space and  its not for selling purpose.
I have it growing in  my garden,  a gift from my parents. 
 Lovely...... , yes? 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Dedicated to Caregivers , Doctors, Nurses and Medical Team at Hospitals round the world.
 Doctors and the Medical Team at ERs - Thank You for being Earth Angels

Friday 7 February 2014

Welcome My BeYoutiful New Viewers .

BeYoutiful new warriors, caregiver,viewers from Hong Kong, India, Canada and Israel, THANK YOU for flying over my blog. I wish you Divine Love, Light and Blessings.

To my BeYoutiful  everyday fans of USA, Malaysia, and Germany THANK YOU  for your trust you have of this blog.  My love and light to viewers from France, Ireland, UK, South Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Indonesia dan Egypt, THANK YOU for flying by.

For wounded lovers

My BeYoutiful  wounded hearts who are in loneliness and seeking to heal your hearts,  please feel free to  request friendship or follow Akashmic Harmony and her field of empowering friends who will love you and guide you  at FB/Timeline  under the  FB name - Akashmic Harmony.

** Just a gentle reminder to avoid  future complication , that AH is married,  aged 54 with 3 teenage children, a foster son and still with her husband. I am a Empathy who is passing through this time and space with many life experience since childhood - teenage - NOW and then return "home".  
                                 ** Sada Sukhi Honto **

Thursday 6 February 2014

AH loves her silent world with all her warriors and caregives.

Love being here at my "silent world" with all my beautiful warriors and caregivers.
May All Beings be Well, Happy and Loved.  The world of  Peace and Ease, there's no one here to punish or hurt anyone one of us.......just nature and its dwellings.  <3

The Invisible Force

Personal rewards multiply when you're focused on giving rather than receiving.  Fall in love with what you're doing; and then "sell" that feeling of love, enthusiasm, and joy generated by your efforts.

The Invisible Force

When you bring the frequencies of intention into the presence of others, they'll feel energized just by being in your immediate circle.  You don't have to say a word.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

May you be free from mind suffering and enmity

Heart Sutra (Music by Imee Ooi) - Lyrics Sanskrit and English


The Heart Sutra mantra/meditation advise the practice of deep meditation to gain wisdom and enlightenment and the realization of Emptiness of form, feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness.

Affirmation for this meditation :-  "I let go of my past grievances and accept only Miracles into my life NOW"   - Deepak Chopra -

Sunday 2 February 2014

Love, Light and Joy

Good Night World with the Rhythm of AH

Overcoming hopelessness: Nick Vujicic at TEDxNoviSad

Bliss and Empowering week ahead - Happy February

Wishing my BE-YOU-tiful warriors, caregivers and viewers a 
Bliss and Empowering week ahead.
Wherever you are, whoever you, whatever you are going through,
I wish you Divine Love,  I wish Well and  I wish you Bliss, You are Loved at this Blog

To my beautiful Warriors undergoing surgery.....ALL IS WELL

To my beautiful  Warriors undergoing Chemo/Radiation....... YOU are the chosen Front Liner Warrior of this Battle. 

To my lovely beautiful Caregivers.....You are my Mentor. Your patience, Your love and Your dedication INSPIRE me.

My lovely viewers , THANK YOU for flying over this Blog.


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...