Monday 17 March 2014

Message for Silent victims of bullies

My BeYoutiful silent victims of bullies, LGBT or any souls who has suicidal thoughts,  you are loved by Divine Force and I've been send to love, guide and help you.  Many of my cancer warriors are FREE from cancer which is the most fearful thing in our minds but many has knocked it off from their lives SO can be your bullies.  My dear viewers who are reading this message and if you know someone/anyone who is a victim of bully, kindly refer him/her to this blog.

With Divine Blessings , AH is appealing to silent victims of bullies, where ever in the world you are, who ever you are , whatever you are going through now, it can be stopped.  Reclaim your powers with Akashmic Harmony.  Trust my words.  

Who is Akashmic Harmony??  She's  a soul passing by this time, this place, this space with the gift of working with subtle beings, Reiki practitioner, a channel to souls from Beyond , Empathy and a fun loving soul who talks crap with her closed ones at times...its in her DNA.

Dear Victims, Please talk to me, my Timeline is open for your  friendship request or write to me for guidance at All request/issues/particulars are treated with love, respect and confidential.

You face difficulties not because you're doing something wrong, but because you're doing something right. You are on the right track, it your birth right so,
Claim you POWERS and happiness back by using Divine Force :-

1.  Call for Arch Angel Michael, he will be there for you.
Please refer to Google on how Arch Angel Michael looks like.
Inhale  AAM into your mind and exhale all the bullies to Cosmic every moment, just TRUST in his divine presence very moment.  You may print and carry him along with you. When you are about to sleep, place AAMichael on you chest or on your Heart chakra.

(I find this pic of AAM very empowering)

2. Here I introduce you to a very powerful and sacred symbol.  Use the same technique as mentioned at No.1.  On inhale and exhale , placing it on your chest.  Notice the purple centre which is like 777 or a person running, use your fingers to draw that on  both your palms every moment for the next 21 days .  Why? because that will empower yourself with chi/divine energy of Protection. The empowering energy is with you (just like Kung Fu , Wuzhu ,Tai Chi)

3. If you are a Muslim, use the same technique using the holy word of Allah.  Inhale into your mind and exhale fear/bullies.

The Principles of Akashmic Harmony is :-
"Everyone of us have the healing ability, we just need to sharpen it using the right tools".

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