Monday 24 August 2015

A word from Akashmic Harmony

A mind migh wonder :-
Is Akashmic in love?
Is Akashmic's heart attracted to some other heart?
Is Akashmic having an affair?
Is Akashmic in a Relationship?

What you think is what you are?????

Some mind will say Yes!!!! she is in love......
in love with her soul.

My Beautiful Victorious Warriors of any form and Viewers
presently , we are all undergoing a strong shift of energy patterns
in our lives.......pls see them as cleansing.

For few days I will be bogging more on Love patterns
as Malaysia is undergoing many issues hat we read alot more of scandals of 1MDB; many untold, unsaid, twisted and fantasy stories by people who are supposed to be trusted leaders.  

 Its  a confusing political agenda and many  public minds are involved in this issues by the Media/Social Media but  there is nothing on :- Moving Forward for a Better Nation, How to Upgrade Education Systems, Helping Malaysia Youth to Be Recognized of their Skills and Talents,  How to Prepare the Nation while Rm is in stake or  The Welfare of Malaysians.
Its sadden me to see  Ministers  giving out childish press statements and Pandas are well taken care off then the concern of Malaysian children.

So, I am turning this Blog on Love for sometime to heal my mind from the current political issues.

love and light
Akashmic Harmony (sue sena)  


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