Friday 29 July 2016

Thought of the day.....


Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful days begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind creates a Beautiful life

wishing all my lovely viewers a day filled with love and light
We merge into the time and space with Divine love for a purpose
that only we have to accomplish it through our journey in life 
We are are given experiences in life to evolve or to shut ourselves
Only we can make these decisions for us not anyone else 

Why are there Saints, Gurus and people like Dr Wayne Dyer, Lois Hay, Deepak Chopra, Ellen DeGeneres and many more spreading love ??
when the World is in chaos with irresponsible people creating
kidnapping, murdering, rape, war, fighting, drugs trafficking, human trafficking, putting people who speaks the truth behind bars,
making business out of lives, shutting those who speak the truth......

I use to ask questions on 
why the world has to have war, killing many innocent lives?
why can they just target who they want??
why rape and murders need to happen??
why there are victims who are killed due to wrong identity??
why there babies need to be born to this time and space when they have a short life span or been thrown away?
why do some married couples are unable to have children but a birth takes place for illegitimate affairs?? 
 the answers I get is
 " what the mind is attracting is what you will manifest"

so I decided to be with those who are spreading LOVE and  LIGHT,  
those with positive energy,
those who sees the Beauty in everything that comes into their lives
those who are at ease and peace
those who are not a hostage of fear
those who are at peace and ease facing dead at anytime, anywhere
those who are can guide me, that dead of my loved ones are not to be feared for but they have completed their Mission to this time and space,

By being in positive healthy vibes I want to project a healthy life for my children, my loved Ones by always thinking, breathing and manifesting positive vibration for them,  safety for them , success for them, meeting the right people in their lives because we are in a  human created chaos world.
 It is very important for us to have an undisturbed mind.



Thursday 28 July 2016

Thought of the day.....

Blessing from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind is always at peace and ease
making wise decisions without being judgemental.

Everything happens for a perfect reason for us to know who  truly we are in our Mystic/Holistic/Spiritual journey.

Everything comes to test us on -
are we true in our journey,
how much have we learned in this journey to put in practice,
how well  can we handle difficult situations without anger, frustration and not being judgemental,
are we just spreading wisdom of words/quotes to others without practicing them in our daily lives,
are we going to heal situations/issues/people or are we going to just walk away from these situations. 

are we going to see these situations as Teachers and be Thankful for what we have learned from them or are we going to see them as difficult people and block them from us?

These are all guiding us to be wise souls .

I know some may not agree with me on this , I was there too.....
experiences made me see the Beauty of everything that comes into my life when I filled my heart and mind with divine love and light.



Wednesday 20 July 2016

Blessings from above

May you now rest in peace and ease, Kevin
The vibes I am picking from you is....
"This is only the Beginning"

Monday 18 July 2016

Thought of the day....

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind radiates peace and harmony to itself

Whoever you are, Where ever you are
Whatever you are going through
I wish you Love , Light and Blessings
To my Victorious warriors undergoing chemo/radio therapy
stay strong, stay Victorious, stay blessed and
reclaim your Kingdom. 

Relax your mind, heart and body
Inhale through yr nose deep to your belly (expand) - I AM healing
exhale gently through your mouth - I AM


Sunday 17 July 2016

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind creates a Beautiful life.

Wishing my
Beautiful Viewers,
Victorious Warriors,
my lovely LGBTQ and 
silent victims of bully
a Lovely Monday and week ahead.

Just a gentle reminder :-
You are precious and
This World is Beautiful because YOU....... are part of it.
Only the wise honors your Light.

From the Heart of Akashmic Harmony

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
 a beautiful mind will execute all doubts, fear and take risk 
to stay balance and grounded as we are about to enter
a very strong shift of money power......

We are at the tip of the roller coaster, waiting for the shift 
which is not an easy one as darkness has taken power and very comfortable in their positions,
Are we ready to plunge down when leaders are corrupted ??

breathe-release-beAtEase- now is the time spend more time with Higher Powers to have food on the table for your family.


Sunday 10 July 2016

Blessings from the wrold of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
 a Beautiful mind radiates happy vibes to the heart
a Happy heart is always at peace and ease

We are all evolving souls to this time and space
learning, sharing, guiding each other to do the Best
 in every level, in every way that will only benefit good to us.



Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...