Friday 27 October 2017

Thought of the day...

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates a beautiful life......

Wishing my lovely viewers a ease and peace day.
Surround yourself with positive loving people
who see your greatness even if you don't see it in yourself.  

We are all special to this time and space.
 Love yourself to the very best to be loved.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind,
a beautiful mind is at peace and ease,
creating a mindfulness life

 Very often we are criticized, condemn, questioned on the practice of our spiritual journey,
sometimes its hurts and break us .......but

This is to test our strength and  ability to be mindful, and to practice our journey in

Its easy for people to talk, criticize and condemn our path/journey/practice/life  because each one of us are given different task in our lives.   Is it going to be easy for us to Accept their criticisms , Forgive their bluntness and send loving thoughts to them? 

As evolved beings, we are constantly being put on test to practice what we are spreading to the world.


Monday 9 October 2017

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
 a beautiful mind creates lovely vibes.

Inhale Peace Exhale Love
Inhale Peace Exhale Love
Inhale Peace Exhale Love
Inhale Peace Exhale Love
LET GO all unwanted vibes you have absorb
Be in your own vortex ....


Sunday 8 October 2017

Ho'oponopono Healing Technique


What is Ho'oponopono?
- This is an ancient  Hawaiian practice that has been used by the Kahuna (mystic healers) for centuries.

-  Ho'oponopono is more than just a word or phrase;
 it is a process of setting things right or bringing oneself to balance 

Benefits of this Ho'oponopono technique:-
- cope with negative feelings
- find peace when others have wronged you
- gain control of your action & thoughts
- Let Go of emotional baggage you've been carrying
- recognize your inner strength
- reduce stress levels and increase in happiness

Technique :-

1. close your eyes & imagine anyone you would like the heal your relationship with, or any memory that you find troubling .

2. Repeat these 4 words with prayerful intention

3. You may place your palms on your heart or solar plexus chakra and say


This can also be applied to non- family setting. In fact, some places in Hawaii use Ho'oponopono in juvenile and adult court systems.

Ho'oponopono for Sickness.
Some people believe that sickness is followed by anger or other misconduct.
To free themselves from the pain and worries that follow such actions, many turn to this healing technique.

Place your your palms or visual the affected area or organs and say the 4 phrases.  

For depression/sadness/troubling mind.

whatever is in me that is causing this sadness

for giving me another chance to love myself

for whatever memories that are replaying

so that I may release the burden to Universe/God/Higher Powers.

with love and light.
akashmic harmony

Explore-Discover- heal -be your own Engineer to your body, mind and soul

Saturday 7 October 2017

Blessings form the world of akashmic

Gentle reminder-

To my lovelies who are sidelined,
 discriminated, bullied, feeling lost of love
This message is for you from the Light Workers World YOU ARE SPECIAL TO US you are not alone in your misery world,  we the Light Workers feel your pain we see your silent tears, we know what you are going through, Our Timeline/FB is open your friendship
Please know that you are in the right track This is your birth right to be here at this Time and Space with the approval of God/Divine/Universal Life Force whoever that is mentally or physically bulling you
 has no right over you,
let it be your boyfriend or husband or your mother-in-law or in-laws or any individuals If you are loved by them, they won't abuse your love, your respect or  your marriage Don't let them smell your fear, they will use it against you Rise and ROAR, show them you too have claws and fangs hut you use them in the name of love to defend and honor what is meant for you.

Friday 6 October 2017

Message of the day....

many of us dance to the tune of others while burying our own tune, or sacrifice our path/journey/interest/lifesytle to be happy with others but one day we will come to realize that others won't adjust or sacrifice to our ways.

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates a lovely day.

Wishing my viewers well and happy
May you be filled with loving kindness
May you be at peace and ease
May you be free from all mind sufferings

Inhale Divine Vibes - Exhale Love  - Letting Go of all unwanted energies that you have absorbed.

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...