Wednesday 21 February 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind.

 Inhale gently - I AM
Exhale gently - DIVINE LOVE

 as we practice to be at ease and peace or practice meditation
we will be tested to upgrade ourselves.
when you are able to see your life storms as lessons to evolve you,
when you are able to take the challenge that your can "grip lightning" bravely
and all whatever you are going through is "chicken feet"
You will be upgrade to "Turbo" level
A level to demand and Command - YOU deserve the best.

Friday 16 February 2018

Message from Higher Intellingence.

if you are discriminated/sideline/bullied/disliked.

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates loving thoughts

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

You are important to this time and space
You are a lovely soul, only the wise sees it
You are Powerful, your challenges/struggles are sharping you to discover your hidden wisdom, strength and abilities.



Wednesday 14 February 2018

Thought of the day - The Magic of LOVE

Blessings from the world of akashmic

 A beautiful mind creates a peace and bliss life.

 When people pass judgement upon us or a bully.
 It  may not be relevant to us but......
 it is relevant to them 
as that is the reflection of their mind
so we need to understand that there is a  deep suffering of unhappiness inside them.

Sunday 11 February 2018

3rd week - Aham Prema (I AM DIVINE LOVE) on Chakras

 inhale gently  -  A H A M
 exhale gently  - P R E M A
inhale gently  -  I AM
 exhale gently  - DIVINE L O V E 

Please do this breathing  few times to relax your mind and emotions,
as you do this breathing you may realize that :-
- when you inhale/breathe in Aham-  you expand your stomach area
- when you exhale/breathe out Prema - your stomach goes in/sucked in. 

This is Qi Gong breathing - Dan Tian point (fire point).
this point is few inches below our navel, 
so don't be afraid or get confused if you are guided to this breathing. 

For this 3rd week breathing technique, 
once again we do a simple visualization meditation but this time its on our chakras.  

 what are chakars?
 chakras are our power point stations in our body
and we will focus on our main 7 chakras. 
Please refer to the picture below.

Please take note that while doing this technique, you may be guide 
- from Root chakra to Crown chakra or
- from  Crown chakra to Root chakra. its ok. 
I normally go from Root to Crown chakra.

Let's start .... breathing gently at each chakra:-

Inhale AHAM   ( I AM ) at root chakra (red)

 Inhale AHAM   ( I AM) at  Sacral chakra (orange)

Inhale AHAM   ( I AM ) at Solar Plexus chakra (yellow)

 Inhale AHAM   ( I AM ) at Heart chakra (green)

 Inhale AHAM ( I AM) at Throat chakra (blue)

 Inhale AHAM   ( I AM) at Third Eye chakra (indigo)

 Inhale AHAM   ( I AM ) at Crown chakra (Purple)

 Please be at ease and peace while doing this technique.
You don't have to go into deep focus or concentration, do not analyze anything... JUST ALLOW ...... 
This technique will unblock your blocked chakras,  cleansing and activate your chakras (power stations)

**side effects of this breathing technique/meditation.
If you feel light headed or experiencing dizziness ,
 you need to ground yourself by drinking loads of water.

Some of you may find yourself at peace and harmony with one of the chakra colors.

with much love and light,
akashmic harmony. 

 for General Knowledge.


Thursday 1 February 2018

2nd week - Aham Prema (I AM DIVINE LOVE) breathing technique.

 if you are done with the 1st week of Aham Prema breathing technique, lets carry on with the 2nd week this technique.

 inhale gently  -  A H A M 
 exhale gently  - P R E M A
inhale gently  -  I AM DIVINE
exhale gently  - L O V E 

Now as we inhale , we do a simple visualization meditation to our body.

example - 

Inhale AHAM  to the mind
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAMto facial
Exhale  PREMA

Inhale AHAM to our bones, joints, shoulder blade, elbow, hip bone, thigh  knees , spine
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to lungs
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to breast area
Exhale  PREMA area

Inhale AHAM to heart
Exhale LOVE

Inhale AHAM to liver
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to pancreas
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to stomach area
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to kidneys
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to womb /prostate area
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to ovaries
Exhale PREMA

Inhale  AHAM to blood cells
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to every nerve and veins in body
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to blood vessels
Exhale PREMA 

Inhale AHAM to muscles

If you are a victim of bully/harassment
Inhale - AHAM
Exhale PREMA - to the person bullying you

by doing this breathing technique, we are clearing all blocked and stagnant energies in our body, 
(for tumor or parasites, tight muscles, clogged arteries and other issues that's making us  unhealthy).

Note :-
to those who are ONE with Higher Powers/Universal Life Force
when you mediate and you are able to sense energy at your 3rd eye,
you may do this....  Example:-
 for Diabetes, while doing this technique you say....
"my pancreas is producing the right amount of Cosmic insulin"

" my bones, joints, teeth, spine, shoulder blades, hip bones are receiving the right amount of Cosmic calcium".  

for cancer patients , you may say :-
" my .....(name the organ or the area that needs healing) getting the right dosage of Cosmic nutrition ".
 **(please DO NOT use the word Chemo or Radiation)

Just a gentle reminder that as you carry on doing week 1 and 2 technique, your diet may change to Pranic food and Yogi drinks.  

What is Pranic food and Yogi drinks?
food and drinks that has energy in them, soaked and taken Raw.

(you may check on YouTube on what or how pranic food / yogi drinks are).

with much love and light

akashmic harmony

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...