Tuesday 31 March 2015

On 1st of April.......

Blessings for the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
when we wake up with happy thoughts
that our day will be filled with joy, happiness and peace

How do we do this??
inhale divine energy, exhale all worries/unwanted thoughts
letting them go to Cosmic as love and light - 5x

Get blessings of yr Higher Self/Masters/Bhagawan/Saints/Angels
saying "Thank You for loving me another day".

We pray,  worship, follow and believe in these Divine Energies but do we really feel them within  us.
If we are devoted to our Masters/Bhagawan/Saints, why we not allowing their love and light to master our daily thoughts. feelings, emotions, act and speech. 
People are there to test us, belittle us, criticize us, conspire against us, back bite us, find fault on us.......its their doing, they been taught to do so but not you 
You are loved by Akashmic and her Divine Force

 each morning when you wake up
 visual a "divine mirror " in-front or around you with empowering symbols or the image of your Divine/God/Saints/Bhagawan/Arch angels.    When anyone upsets you, it will not penetrate your heart and mind.  It will reflect back to them.  The same reasons Fengshui uses mirrors to reflect stale/dark energies away .  Try doing this.
use the same technique to protect your loved ones (spouse/children/family/work station/house/car)

 love and light


Saturday 28 March 2015

Accept yourself a Beautiful Soul.

How do we do this??
every time something disturbs your thoughts/feelings
when you are instigated by others
when you are belittle by some

to Cosmic as love and light

Never give space for darkness to reside in you.

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
 a beautiful mind radiates beautiful smile from the heart
a lovely heart sees, feel and touch with profound love


Quote by Osho on Children

You are someone's angel to this time and space

Saturday 21 March 2015

a Gentle reminder to bullied victims................

Your soul is so BEAUTIFUL that bullies are so very jealous....
 because they were not given this gift when they merge
 into this world.
wisely and reclaim your respect, love , freedom and rights
 to be in this world.

-  akashmic harmony  -

You are your own Teacher

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind is never lost its way in any situation
inhale divine vibes, exhale unwanted thoughts/feelings/emotions

Break your barriers, come out of your comfort zone


Friday 20 March 2015

Never give up by Nick Vujicic ( A GOOD view)

Equinox Eclipse after 15 years -20/3/2015

During this eclipse,
there will be an equal strength of LIGHT and shadow,
total balance of Yin & Yang.
This is the day, books of Magical spells in Mystic world closes for protection, 

and books of shadow free itself from cursed spell reclaiming loss powers.


Monday 16 March 2015


Blessings form the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A beautiful mind radiates calmness

The world is Beautiful outside
when there is stability inside 
  - rishikajain -


Werewolf spirit - by William Clark

 Sharing with love and light an explanation about Werewolves  energies.

Werewolves are extremely powerful supernatural beings. This Dark Werewolf Spirit is ready to share its gifts with its master. Superhuman doesn’t come close to describing the benefits. The longer the master continues their bond with their Werewolf, the greater the connection and the level of strength. The Master will constantly and infinitely become stronger and more capable. Werewolf Spirits bring strength greater than you can possibly imagine. 

The Werewolves are known to be of the highest intelligence. An understanding of mankind is of the greatest benefit. The power of the Werewolf enhances all senses. Since they are spirits the knowledge of spiritual forces is given. Knowledge can be given instead of learned and this alone is a great gift that only the Werewolf can provide. Along with knowledge given to the master, the gift of long life is also provided to the master.

 Age and years greater than one hundred is common for masters of such spirits. Youth is yours along with all the benefits of such: strength, reflexes, senses and so much more are given to the master. As mentioned, these spirits are shapeshifters and will take on the roles of humans as well as beast. When in their human forms, they are intense and have a drawing nature to them. Others will notice this instant change in you as well. There is an essence that is simply alluring. This shapeshifting ability is always given to the master to control and to enjoy at their own will and only possible during the Cycle of the Werewolf.

Masters of the Werewolf should be prepared for their own abilities to grow by leaps and bounds. Simply call upon the spirit and ask for the knowledge to be given to them. Ask for strength to be given. It is yours for the taking and it will be given. Werewolves have heightened senses. Werewolves can smell, see and hear far better than humans. They have accelerated healing. Werewolves heal quickly from most injuries. They have enhanced agility and strength. Werewolves can jump, run, climb, and react faster than humans and are also much stronger than humans.

 They have pain transference. Werewolves can absorb and alleviate pain from other people/creatures and can "heal" in some cases. Lastly Werewolves have memory transference. Werewolves can transfer, give, or take memories by inserting claws into nape of an individual's neck. This ability can also allow direct "mind to mind' communication.

Sunday 15 March 2015

What's on Akashmic's thought - Tragic accident of a young brave Hero of Malaysia


There's been a tragic car accident a day ago at Tangkak, Johor , Malaysia with 6 young Beings (3 boys, 3 girls) driver and passengers of the car , after hitting on a moving Trailer, it went out of control and caught fire. This accidents became a Nation news with picture and recording of it been and is circulating on Malaysian FB s. The girls survived but two of the boys died on the spot while the driver of the car was alive with his right leg
stuck to the front portion of the engine which was on fire. In that moment of facing furious death, he managed to push the girls out of the car and kicked his girlfriend out who was seated next to him with a broken neck as fire caught him. What a fearless soul, never did he taught of himself or cried in fear. By- standers and other road users were too afraid of the fire to rescue him and waited for Firemen to arrived but they were recording and taking picture of this tragic agonizing moment and downloaded them on FB . None of them or even us, Malaysian never thought of having a small fire extinguisher under the seat of our car to save our lives, our family or any road users one day....all we have with us is Ipad, lap tops and handphones. The young boy who died saving the girls is a friend of both my sons, my sons been very upset on the first day they got the news of their friend's dead - recalling memories of schooling days with him but today; both my sons , close friends of him and mydaughter have shut themselves because of the pictures and clips of his moments of death that is appearing on their Homepage. 

 If our Govt is not interested to educated us on Disaster and Recuse Team (DART) pls take time to train ourselves to be alert on this matter (Youtube) .    Sada Sukhi Honto

Thursday 12 March 2015

Breakfast with Akashmic................

My Beautiful people , is this true......

We cannot live unaffected by love
We are most alive when we find it
Most devastated when we lost it
Most empty when we give up on it
Most inhumane when we betray it
and most passionate when we pursue it.

love of any form
for our loved ones, for God, for our path, our passion , for what we are seeking for.....

LOVE by Nashita Madhu

Love never dies a natural death.
 It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. 
It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. 
It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, 
of witherings, of tarnishing.
Love & hugs

-  Nashita Madhu -

Blessings from the World of Mystic and Miracles

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A beautiful mind at peace and ease is
lovely to heart and soul 

How are all my BeYoutiful people doing??
Good na..... 
its has to be good cos Akashmic sends out good vibes.....
May you be well, happy, protected and at bliss

"When you're connected to the power of intention, you'll
actually think and feel that any current disease pattern has never been present, and that you're already healed".
 - Dr Wayne W. Dyer -


Wednesday 11 March 2015

Akashmic Lovers page


Blessing from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind is never lost , even if its lost
it will find its a way back to be at calm and ease
knowing what is best for all concern

My BeYoutiful Victorious Warriors
I am sorry to have neglected you in self healing guidance
As a Guide, as Reiki Practitioner I been guided by my Higher Self
to various stations/interest to vast my knowledge on my Mystical journey. I do hope that my BeYoutiful warriors do revision 
of my past blogging on self healing.

You are very much loved my Akashmic and her Divine Force.


Sunday 8 March 2015

Tranquility Affirmation

with kind courtesy of Sharon Gunning via Timeline/FB

Love, Light and Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begin with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind  is always beautiful in everything
it sees, feel and touch

Wishing Beautiful people of mine and empowering Monday
Stay bless and surround yourself with those you feel safe and comfortable, peace and at ease
If you are facing with overdose of advise in the pretext of over righting you or your thoughts
Inhale divine vibes, Exhale them to Cosmic as love and light

Breathe-Release-BeAtEase-YouAreVeryMuch LovedHere

Stand Up! - Don't Stand for Homophobic Bullying.

A Woman

HAPPY WOMEN"S DAY from the World of Akashmic Harmony

A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely
Her tears flow as abundantly as her smiles
She is both soft and powerful,
in both practical and spiritual
In her essence,  a strong woman is a GIFT to the World.

Friday 6 March 2015

Divine match...

If two people are meant to be together
They will eventually find their way back into each others arms......
no matter what or who separates them
because they are matched by Divinity
Their love is always protected by Divine powers no matter 
where in the world they are......

some calls it Soul-mates
some calls it Twin Flame
The Mystic World calls it Divine Match

Don't allow yourself to be a victim of bully in any form.

A Guide

A Guide is a LIGHT in the eye of its followers,
it always seek to have a silent and calm mind,
it does not create disharmony to others because of the LOVE energy in them ,
it does not align to noisy, conflicts and chaos minds
and in midst of all these,
it will choose to shut down to be at/in Tranquil
by doing what it is right to be a Guide trusted by it's Master

A Guide does not abuse its Divine gifts for its own purpose to hurt anyone that hurts them
It always has to be in a state of mindfulness
because a GUIDE is the reflection of its Higher Self

Light and Blessing from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
 A Beautiful mind  generates LOVE not hurting
and its knows what is right to be at mental happiness

 "May Love, Peace and Tranquility live within YOU
finding peace that shines from the depth of your heart"

Only you have the Power to shut away from noise, chaos and conflict created for you.

Inhale peace, Exhale bliss



Thursday 5 March 2015


Bliss Night Beautiful People of mine 

Its Full moon tonite,remember to put out your crystals

and amulets to be cleanse and re-charge its powers.

I am doing self research on human behavior during Full moon and its effects as I am very interested to know about such existance of  Werewolf and  Ocean tides/tidal waves .

With love and light ,blogging some information for reading

pleasure :-

 Effect based on gravitational pull of the moon

When the moon is full or new, the gravitational pull of the moon and sun are combined. The moon exerts a pull on the Earth on other days too, but it is not as powerful as on the days of full moon and new moon.
Suppose we were to take in a deep breath, the air sucked into our mouth is three times as much as a normal breath. Now let’s translate this analogy to the Moon and its pull on the Earth. During full moon and new moon days the whole Moon is pulling Earth and the effect is as if in the earlier analogy the Moon is taking a deep breath. We find that the circular atmosphere of three times the size of the moon is attracted from the Earth.

At the time of full Moon and new Moon days the  on Earth such as the Absolute Earth (Pruthvī), Absolute Water (Āpaand Absolute Air (Vāyuare pulled towards the Moon. This creates a type of subtle very high-pressure belt.  
In this process at a physical level when water is attracted towards moon, rather than the water, the gaseous elements in water (water vapour) come above water and enter the subtle high-pressure belt. Since negative energies are predominantly in gaseous form they get pulled into the subtle high-pressure belt. Here they group together and get added strength in numbers from each other. They therefore attack humanity to a larger extent on these days. The impact of this is that the attacks of ghosts on humans both at a physical and mind level can be as much as three times more.
In the hermitages (ashrams) of SSRF around the world, an increase in negative energy attacks and subtle negative pressure has been observed on full moon and new moon days. It starts two days prior to full moon or new moon and ends two days after.

On new moon day, the non-illuminated, i.e. dark side of the Moon faces towards Earth. Darkness emanates predominant frequencies. Hence compared to when the illuminated side faces Earth, more subtle basic Raja-Tama predominant frequencies are transmitted towards Earth.

Alternatively, on a full moon day there is a decrease in the Raja-Tama because of the increased illumination. However on a full moon day as the moon frequencies are more active, a heightened activity of the mind is observed as explained above in point 2. Depending on the types of impressions from the sub-conscious mind that are activated, the heightened activity can range from heightened random thoughts to heightened mind activity of specific thoughts.
For example, a person who is a writer and is focusing on some book that he is writing is more likely to get heightened thought activity mainly pertaining to the book and creativity in writing style. These types of thoughts will arise out of the talent centre. Hence he may find that he can write prolifically on a full moon day.
However for most people the thoughts are random. If there are a number of dominant personality defects such as anger, greed, etc. then they too may surface and dominate our thoughts during this period. For example an alcoholic will get more thoughts about the need to drink alcohol on this day.
It is also possible to awaken thoughts about Spirituality that lie inert in the sub-conscious mind of a spiritual person by taking advantage of the heightened mind activity and by increasing spiritual practice on a full moon day.

Sunday 1 March 2015


Choose to be in close proximity to people who are empowering,
who appeal to your sense of connection, who see the greatness in you, and who feel connected to God.
 - Dr Wayne Dyer -

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful mind should be at peace and at ease
midst of all chaos

Wishing my Victorious Warriors
my lovely caregivers
my unique GLBTQ
my beautiful silent victims of bully, special need beings
and viewers 
a Bliss and  an Empowering Monday/week ahead

To my Victorious Warriors undergoing chemo or radiotherpy
my love, light and blessings upon you
Bless the equipments that doing its part to heal you
see the liquid/ray that is emerging into your body as divine vibes
visual them as silver or bright lights
Reclaim your powers and the the Master of your
 body, mind and soul


Soul -Mates zone

I choose to adore you in silence, 
for in silence I find no barriers
I choose to dance with you in loneliness, 
for in loneliness there's no shadows
I choose to hug you in my dreams, 
for in my dreams no one owns you but me
I choose to hold you in my heart, 
for in my heart you have no end.....


Bliss Night from the World of Akashmic

Star Light Star Bright
Akashmic is the only Star up tonite
missing her Moon......

Sleep well my Victorious Warriors, Beautiful Beings and Viewers

Do you know the best things in life are unseen that is why 
we close our eyes when we kiss, laugh and dream
sooooooo be in your best self cos you never know who might visit your dreamland
its not Akashmic.....
 cos Akashmic is waiting for her Moon to appear at her dreamland.....

Be safe be secure be loved


The Lotus Flower

The lotus is the most Beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in mud. 
In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud - the obstacles of life and its suffering. The mud speaks of the common ground that humans share, no matter what our stations in life, whether we have it all or we have nothing, we are all faced with the same obstacles: sadness, loss, illness, dying and death.  If we are to strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a Lotus and open each petal one by one. 
  - Goldie Hawn -

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...