Sunday 15 March 2015

What's on Akashmic's thought - Tragic accident of a young brave Hero of Malaysia


There's been a tragic car accident a day ago at Tangkak, Johor , Malaysia with 6 young Beings (3 boys, 3 girls) driver and passengers of the car , after hitting on a moving Trailer, it went out of control and caught fire. This accidents became a Nation news with picture and recording of it been and is circulating on Malaysian FB s. The girls survived but two of the boys died on the spot while the driver of the car was alive with his right leg
stuck to the front portion of the engine which was on fire. In that moment of facing furious death, he managed to push the girls out of the car and kicked his girlfriend out who was seated next to him with a broken neck as fire caught him. What a fearless soul, never did he taught of himself or cried in fear. By- standers and other road users were too afraid of the fire to rescue him and waited for Firemen to arrived but they were recording and taking picture of this tragic agonizing moment and downloaded them on FB . None of them or even us, Malaysian never thought of having a small fire extinguisher under the seat of our car to save our lives, our family or any road users one day....all we have with us is Ipad, lap tops and handphones. The young boy who died saving the girls is a friend of both my sons, my sons been very upset on the first day they got the news of their friend's dead - recalling memories of schooling days with him but today; both my sons , close friends of him and mydaughter have shut themselves because of the pictures and clips of his moments of death that is appearing on their Homepage. 

 If our Govt is not interested to educated us on Disaster and Recuse Team (DART) pls take time to train ourselves to be alert on this matter (Youtube) .    Sada Sukhi Honto

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