Tuesday 30 August 2016

Happy Indenpence Day to Malaysian Viewers /Selamat Hari Merdeka yang ke 59.

Message of :-

 Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah DMN,
 a Malaysian politician who served as the first Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya from 1955 to 1957.


Monday 29 August 2016

Thought of the day

May the Leaders of our World BE bathed in Sacred Light,
May all people put down their weapons and  
use their arms to hugs one another,
May Compassion fill our hearts,
May Loving Kindness rule the World 
and humankind becomes One in Love,

May we see each other as life form.

A Plead to Akashmic Task Force Team

We are in need of healing NOW.
please send your divine vibes in any form to every nook, every alley and every corner of this World.

Sunday 28 August 2016

thought of the day......

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind radiates happy emotions and  hormones

Wishing All my Lovely viewers an empowering week
May you be surrounded/guided my Divine Vibes

know that you are not alone.....just breathe divine vibes and exhale all your unwanted thoughts and feelings.

know that you are loved and everything you are experiencing comes as a Task.

know that not everyone sees you as a problem because there are some sees you as their LIGHT.

know that your illness can be beaten with help of alternative treatments . You need to do your own research, not shutting yourself down with your illness.
know that you are not always a victim of bully, there will be an EarthAngel to fix your bully.

Life is a Balance of everything, 
please come out of your shell 
fill your mind, heart and soul with Sunlight.


know that not always you can dominate or bully anyone as you like, there is always someone who is mightier than you.... just waiting for the right time to break your ego into bits and pieces. And this person can be the person you never thought has the power to fight against your Vampire energy. 

Tuesday 23 August 2016

A gentle reminder ............

Blessings from the World of Akahsmic

A Beautiful mind creates a beautiful life
bring peace and ease to our mind, heart and soul

Wishing my lovely Viewers Well and Happy
where ever you are in this beautiful world

Inhale divine vibes exhale peace
When someone create misery or unhappiness
accusing  us for who we are not,
we feel so heart broken and we go around seeking for answers
what made this person/people to do such thing without shame.
This is what happened to my niece but;
being young and mindful she found comfort in the arms of Divine to handle these people
as she is unable to deal with lies with clarity living in her heart.

Few days ago, she had a tattoo done on her and
to my surprise she is finding harmony in herself 
with the symbol of Universal Peace and the symbol of Protection from Heaven.

I am proud of her because at the age of 22,
 she is well balanced and grounded.

(pic courtesy of Dellreena Jonville, France)

Friday 19 August 2016

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind generates the energy of LOVE and LIGHT

Thursday 18 August 2016

Thought of the day......

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind generates lovely thoughts to the heart 
a heart at ease and peace is a Beautiful Heart

 When we walk like we are rushing, 
we print anxiety and stress on the earth.
We have to walk in a was that we only print 
peace and serenity on the earth
Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth.
Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.
- Nhat hanh -



Sunday 14 August 2016

Remembering Dr Mikao Usui on his Birthday , Founder of Reiki Healing Energy

Happy Independence Day to Viewers of India

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind is balanced and well grounded
in midst of chaos.........

affirmation :-
  " I bless and appreciate every aspect of myself 
I recognize and appreciate my beauty, kindness, love and compassion and I also see these qualities all around me"

Tuesday 9 August 2016

From the Blog of Sue Sena (Akashmic Harmony)

Wishing Sir Anwar Ibrahim a Bliss and Bless Birthday.
The Man that is most feared by the Ruling Party for his Clarity 

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates a lovely life..............

Once upon a time.................
 a  Leo baby girl was born on this date 

Sunday 7 August 2016

Coffee with Akashmic...........

Would you block a situation to create a misunderstanding or
face a situation and clear with it??

May You be Well and at Eeas

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind makes its Home where ever it goes,  whatever the situation is ,
whoever it is facing or is with......
allow your mind,your thoughts, your feelings...every thing inside you to flow well.

Wishing my Lovely viewers a Zen Monday
to my cancer Warriors undergoing therapy,  wishing you Well and Peace
to my silent victims of bully - ROOOOAR for the right reasons
to victims of in-law bully -  You are loved by the Light Workers World and you are not alone in this situation.
to my GLBTQ community - You are very loved
to those without love and feeling very much alone - Nothing is forever so are your troubles.


Wednesday 3 August 2016

Thought of the day......Storm outside, Calmness inside us

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind creates a Beautiful life
 Whoever you are ,
Where ever you are,
Whatever you are going through in your life,
Light Workers World wishes you Well, Happy and Peace

To be at peace and ease,
 it does mean to be in a place were there are no disturbance or troubles or chaotic minds ; 
being in peace and ease means to Breathe.....Balanced ....Grounded in midst of all chaos.  

"Inhale Bliss Exhale Love"

Breathe-Release- BeAtEase


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...