Monday 22 January 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates a beautiful life
seeing its life challenges/pain/struggles/experiences
as an exam to RISE and evolve.......

  always know this......
people will judge you from their level of thinking,  
Higher Intelligence will honor you to their highest good.

Inhale - I AM Divine
Exhale - LOVE

Sunday 21 January 2018

Cosmic colors you see in your thoughts.

Aham Prema (I AM Divine LOVE) breathing technique - 1st week

Wishing my lovely Viewers an ease and empowering Monday.
May this week bring you good vibes.

Sharing here with much love and light,
I'm been invited by Higher Guides to tap into Cosmic in my spiritual journey via meditation,
 its a beautiful privilege a human can ever have. 

Here, I'm sharing the technique of breathing AHAM PREMA also  known as "I AM DIVINE LOVE".

Inhale gently through nostril    -    A h a m
Exhale gently through mouth -     P r e m a
Inhale gently through nostril - I  AM  Divine
Exhale gently through mouth  - L O V E

As you are doing this, you may find yourself getting relax.

You may do this exercise whenever you need too ...
while at work
while driving
while cooking, doing housework
held in  traffic
depress, upset,  disturbed
at any time.... just active yourself to this healing energy.
by doing this you release all tension, stress, heaviness, blocks and stagnant energy of your thoughts, feelings and body.

* to my Muslim viewers, 
you may use kalimah Allah (in arabic/jawi) 

May you heal.


Monday 15 January 2018

My Reiki experience healing a 9 year old leukemia (2008)

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind,
 a beautiful mind begins a beautiful day.

Dear viewers ,
Thank You so much for your constant viewing at this blog
May the self healing techniques that you view heals you
May it bring you peace and ease to your life,
knowing there is always an exit to everything
when it comes from Higher Powers/God/Universal Life force

In October 2008, I was connected by Reiki vibes to 11 year old girl with leukemia,
with 8 session of chemotherapy and at the same time the hospital prepared her parents for few session of counseling to be prepared for her death.
Her mother was my son's school teacher and I still recall her mom's words " Many people told me that my daughter has One life so I took unpaid leave to be with her ".

It took me some days asking myself ....
Why death?
why not see Recovery? or Coming out of it? 

With the help of self healing, Reiki and Tai Chi exercise
(energies that don't talk death but only healing to the highest good)
that 9 year old girl is 22 years old at this present moment because
 Leukemia is not written as how she should leave this world on her
birth star and Higher Powers connected her to the path of self healing.


Wednesday 10 January 2018

Learn self healing - Su Jok Therapy

What is Su Jok Therapy?
 Su Jok therapy is a Korean self healing technique using our palm as pressure point.
By massaging the pressure points of the organs area on our palm , it will stimulate the affected area, a curative energy wave goes back to the affected body part removing the cause of disorder and the body restores its health and stability


seeds used for the therapy :-
mung dhal
black pepper 
kidney beans


how seeds are used in Su Jok Therapy
at pressure point areas.
by giving a massage to the pressure point areas,

we stimulate and revive the organs, cells and muscles of affected area.


 Pressure Point for -
heart, lungs and chest area.
- use mung dal to
massage or stimulate these areas.
- use black pepper for
asthma , cancer, tuberculosis, congestion or blockages


 Pressure Point for pancreas
massage using thumb or mung dhal for diabetes
use black pepper for cancer.
and pressure point for Rectum problem or cancer.


  Pressure point for Breast
massage for lymph nodes or cancer.
right breast - right palm
left breast - left palm
for pressure point for sinus- thumb


 Pressure point for
shoulder blade (frozen shoulders)
- elbows
- knee problem
for stiffness/cramp/discomfort of legs due sitting for long hours fight or driving ,
massage your middle and ring finger.


 Pressure point for Ovaries, womb and cervix
to avoid cysts, fibroid, cancer.
pepper seeds for cancer massage.


Pressure point of our spinal cord.
- back aches, bed ridden or
- paralysis due to fall or accident
give gentle massage every day to this shown area .


Pressure Point to stimulate our kidney.
groove between ring finger and pinky
(diabetes, kidney problem, kidney stones, cancer)
right kidney - right hand
left kidney - left hand


Thank You Thank You Thank You
akashmic harmony

Monday 1 January 2018

What's coming next blogging??

learned Su jok therapy with akashmic harmony,
a healing technique without initiation or getting attuned
and teach your:-

- aging parents who are unable to undergo surgery due to their age and strength.
- family or friends who cannot effort to do surgery.
- those to don't have medical benefits or insurance.
- your little children.

with much love and light,
akashmic harmony


Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind attracts healthy vibes

Love and Light to my lovely viewers,
wishing you a bliss and blessed day.

to my lovely warriors,
stay strong stay blessed stay grounded in whatever battle you are in
 to be on the right track of your life.

to my lovely caregivers
specially to those giving care of  senior/super citizens, 
many blessings to you and always be in your vortex
at times you may break but pause- inhale divine love and RISE in your own vortex.

to my lovely LGBTQ
you are very much loved by the Light workers world
You are not alone or never alone in this world
we are all surrounded by subtle energy
that is always waiting for your permission to intervene
to listen to your heart, to guide you, to protect you and to love you
trust me as I am one of those beings that been talking to my Devas/Archangel Michael.

May good things come your way.

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...