Wednesday 8 October 2014

Empower Yourself with Stillness and silence

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful mind can be created by practicing  
Stillness of the mind, Silence of the heart
When the mind  and heart are at ease and bliss, 
Everything are acknowledged in a Beautiful manner
Let's start :-
Breathing in as gentle and slow as you can
 Breathing out - super slow (for the effect to take place)

 Inhale "I AM Divine Energy"  
Exhale unwanted thoughts

Inhale "I Am Divine Energy"
Exhale unwanted feeling/emotions

(Do with 5 breathing for each, as you get comfortable doing this technique,  do it as many times as your heart desires . Each  time you experience low thoughts/energy turn them into this technique)

Warriors who are hospitalize, Breathing Techniques are NOT recommended there. Why??? because of low/stale energies and  negative energies from Beyond  too, I don't want my warriors to gather these energies into their  heart and mind.  You are HIGHLY recommended to have a note book and write the above affirmation as many time as you can, each time a sneaky or low thoughts pop out , turn your thoughts/feeling into writing affirmations.  

Other areas NOT recommended for Breathing Meditation Techniques :-  Hazy and Forest Fire areas 


To my Healing Hearts of lost love in any form, 

This technique are also to those who love their loved one very much and is so afraid of losing their love with insecure feelings, uneasy mind and emotions.

Inhale "I AM one with the Love and Wisdom of Divine"
Exhale your fear...........

** the word Divine can be replaced with " Cosmic/Universe/my Master/Guru/Saints/Arch Angels.

Practice this technique often to experience a BEAUTIFUL relationship/friendship/love.
Not every Relationship fails in your life, you just need to heal
on that issue.


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