Friday 3 October 2014

From the Heart of Maria Haramis Murgotroyd - Axed cancer Warrior

 In remission since 2006 - 2014... Proof that with a positive mind and attitude we can conquer anything we set our minds on! A big thank you to my sister Christina In remission since 2006 - 2014... Proof that with a positive mind and attitude we can conquer anything we set our minds on! A big thank you to my sister Christina Haramis Charalambous and her family for taking care of me during chemo, radiation and when I had my mastectomy and her family for taking care of me during chemo, radiation and when I had my mastectomy.

 with thanks to Maria via Timeline.

Note :-
I discovered Maria and her sister Chirstina Haramis Charalambous  about 4 years ago when I went on a soul search Journey looking for answers on "Can cancer Actually Been Beaten?".  I walked into their  Facebook lives and ever since then Christina taught me to love, love, love and love ........the more we are been hurt, sad or devastated the more love we should vibrate.  It was very difficult for to accept at first but today; I AM love energy.

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