Sunday 12 October 2014

how do we do this??

inhale divine vibes exhale unwanted thoughts/emotions/feelings

every time a ill or low thoughts/feelings appears, immediately turn your thoughts to chant sutras, mantras or affirmations.
 (to those seeking for one, You may use the word Buddho, which I learned from the book called THE NOBLE TREASURE,  inhale the word Buddho to your mind, exhale your unwanted vibes)

 listen to mystic /divine music/mantras
recommended video music (Youtube)
- Positive Chillout
- Karunesh
- Spring Lady
- Old Mike field (N0 Man;s Land)
- Biddu (Journey to Eastern, Journey to India, Dance of Siva)
- Kitaro (Dance of Saraswati)
- Al-pha-X  ( Indian summer)

view more inspiring videos on Youtube
(Dr Wayne Dyer,  Ellen DeGeneres, Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, What Could You Do?)

Be FB Friends of One Vibration

Visit more often  of AH's blogs (just kidding)

Breathe-Release-BeAt Ease


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