Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Power is within you

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind is always at bliss and ease
When you are in this state of mind , 
you are detach from attachments
and free from being a slave to people who love to see you unhappy

Don't be demotivate by the act of these people
They know your liking and they know that is your weakness
 they have Nothing better to do than to take all that you love
 away from you  because these are the people who has no love in them unlike you; who is filled with love and light of your Bhagawan
 ( it can be your favorite TV programme,  position, your goal/dream, your fav. spot, your fav. book, your fav. teacher, your loved from time to time do changes to show that you are not attached to anything in particular.....YES!!!! people do observe us).

Remember :-  
Whatever you practice in theory ;  it will come in practical 

Inhale saying- 
 I AM One with Love of my Master
visual the light of your Divine Master/Saint/Bhagawan filling every part of your body

Exhale your unhappy mood/worries.

(each time you feel demotivated, do this technique to empower yourself)


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