Tuesday 22 October 2013

10 mins Daily Cleansing Meditation with Akashmic Harmony

For beginners and people with restless mind :-
- sit confortably in your fav. spot
- close your eyes and gentle inhale and gently exhale 5 times
- visual your religious symbols/god/goddess/archangels/devas/reiki symbols
- gently inhale this Divine energy into your mind and hold your breath for a second and gently exhale.
- do this inhale and exhale for 5 times or you may increase to your desire.

Once your mind and body is calm and settled, you may proceed to the process of cleasing

- inhale and exhale gently and visual a box next to you, that is tied around your waist or a vacuum cleaner (you may visual the box of your favorite chakra color or with symbols)

- as you gently inhale Divine energy into your mind, gently exhale all your unwanted thoughts/things in your body into the box/vacuum cleaner. Example :-

- anger, worries, moodiness
- ill feelings towards .....(people, situations)
- sad/upsetting issues (past /present)
- past grievance  (childhood, teenage life, in-laws, relationships)
- fear for (children's safety,  bully, boss, teacher, driving, height)
- bad financial situation
- health problem (skin , sinus, asthma.......)
- fatness, over weight, under weight
- terminal illness
- desire/addiction
- bad habits/behaviour
-  any other unwanted desire which you want to drop

- you may visual all these coming out from your body as dark smokes and entering into the box/vacuum.

- once you have put all your unwanted/negative thoughts/vibes into the box, now visual sealing the box with a tape.

- once you have sealed the box/vacuum, visual it being lifted up like a balloon

- now visual that you are cutting the tie at your waist with a scissors and sending the box/vacuum cleaner to cosmic as love and light.

- Say  (example)
"I let go of my unwanted thoughts/**things (cancer cells, asthma, diabetes ) for good. I choose miracles of having healthy organs, muscles, bones, cells , blood............ and being in the healthy path".

Now that you have cleanse your mind and body

Visual the Love, Light and Life of your higher self (divine symbols/gurus/bhagawan/god/Masters)filling your body from head to toe with their Golden light, its entering every corner, every loop and nook in your body , clearing all the blockages in you.

Or your Archangels using their Divine sword , clearing all the over grown bushes and creepers in your body.

Now visual your favorite chakra color or silver dust accumulating   at the affected area in your body

It is repairing and healing the affected area

Say Thanks and empower yourself with say "All the organs in my body is Well, Happy and Healed as I empower ,y mind and my body with Divine Energy".


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