Tuesday 22 October 2013

Beat Your Illness/Cancer Directory by Akashmic Harmony

  Beat Your Illness/Cancer Directory

My beautiful Viewers,
This blog is created out of Love and Passion to help and guide individual who feels their illness a death sentence.  Please come out of that thought and activate your thoughts to recovery. I always BELIEVE  that there is an exit door to every illness/problems/situations.  Here, I have created a directory called Beat Your Illness Directory,  in honoring my sister and my friends who has beaten cancer cells out of their lives and very much free and alive today. 

(Just a gentle note to say that Akashmic Harmony is NOT asking anyone to leave or let go of their hospital medication/treatments they are undergoing or to disrespect their doctors advise.  I believe that everything has a balance like the symbol Yin Yang,  western treatment and self healing works together as a team )  My Love, Light and Blessings.

You may find these sites inspiring and encouraging :-

- Dr Budwig 's Diet, a powerful cancer killer remedy (Youtube)
 start of with 4 meals a day and if you or loved one perspiring, its a good sign cos the body should be 70% alkaline for the parasites to be destroyed.
-  drinking more of Alkaline water.

- Feng Shui - consult with a Feng Shui Master on your sleeping position and the flow of Chi energy in your home.  Never to sleep facing a mirror/dressing table/cupboard mirror or TV screen.
 Please DO NOT do your own Feng Shui by reading Feng Shui books or viewing on youtube.
To do Feng Shui;  one must know the reading of a  Feng Shui Compass and the best person of this is a Feng Shui Master.

- www.thesecret.tv/stories

- www.naturalcancerhealing.com (Google)

- Angelic Wise Ones Archangel Micheal's Prayers (Google)

-  St Germain Violet Flame

Traditional Healing Exercise
Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Wuzhu, Yoga, Breathing Meditation

Recital of sutras, mantras and prayers.

Gayatri Mantra - (youtube) I say this is an empowering mantra for cancer.
**Recital of sutras and mantras should be like "you need a racing horse to stop another racing horse "
our recital must be empowering then the spreading of  the parasite.
 (circle prayers  by family and friends, may help in this process )
kindly refer to my article on How to stop racing cancer - Power Of Intention

 Mystical Music -  Positive Chillout, Karunesh, Ryan Farish.

If you intent to have  or wear a crystal to enhance your health,  A gentle reminder that crystals are worn according  to your birth colour and NOT according to the abilities of crystals or as recommended by the sales person of the crystal outlet.
* I will soon update on your birth colour according to the years and the 5 elements of your birth star.*

Healing Symbols
My beautiful warriors, I introduce  you to 2 healing symbols where you may print one of  them and place them under your pillow or in between bed & bedsheet or on your room walls for healing and protection purpose.  These symbols are sacred to me, I highly appreciate these symbols to be treat  with love and respect.  Once no longer in use, kindly burn the symbol; mix the ash with water and pour it in your garden or in flower pots.  .

Yin Yang  - the balance of both brightness & darkness.

Below -This is a very powerful ancient  healing symbol used as a protection symbol from negative energies, black magic and illnesses.  This symbol can placed in your car too.  I use this symbol to inhale  into my mind, hold the breath for a seconds and exhale unwanted thoughts, feelings, worries and pain.  As you practice this technique, soon you may find that having it in your presence it will create a positive effect on the chakras and your aura.  Or soon you will be visualizing it as gold or sliver dust healing your effected areas/organs.  You may use your fingers to draw (the white dotted lines) on your palms often with the intent of whoever you touch will be healed .

For Muslim viewers, you may print  the holy kalimah of Allah. Use the same technique.
I am sorry that I am unable to post the holy kalimah of Allah in my blog as I am a non Muslim
 ( In respect of my country's ruling, non Muslim are not suppose to say or use the holy word).

 Latest 2013 
Zumba dance- (youtube) Zumba for cancer.

My techniques based on :-
Reiki guidance and attunement
Reiki Distant Healing
Su Jok Therapy (Korean self healing Technique)
Simple Breathing Meditation
Visualization Self Healing Technique

( My mode of payment : -  as your heart desire for  food and education of hard core children where in the world you are)

Other recommended Self Healing practice :-
Breathing Meditation
The Healing Codes
Energy Medicine by Donna Eden (youtube)

Recommended people/talks on youtube

Dr Wayne Dyer (a cancer survivor)
Louise L, Hay (a cancer survivor)
Donna Eden (Energy Medicine)
Deepak Chopra

Recommended books :-
The Invisible Force  - Dr Wayne Dyer
Heal Yourself     -  Louise L Hay
Heal Your Life  -  Louise L Hay
The Magic  (the Secret)  -  Rhonda Byrne

Other Recommended Self Healing Practitioners:-

**  Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy  (with consultation fees)

for further information,  appointments and fees
Dr Sumithra Niriella can be reached at her Clinic
 tel number:- 03-26988122 / 26988128
or at
LCCH Pantai Therapy Centre Sdn Bhd
A804, Level 8, Block A
Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur
8, Jalan Pantai
Kuala Lumpur
tel number :- + 603 22 800 804  

To my beautiful souls who are interested in Archangels and  Archangel Prayers,  I received this empowering prayer from my Angel Guide Dr Sumithra . Say this prayers everyday when you wake up and before your sleep :-

"Dear God and Archangel Michael (and any other divine angels to whom you pray)
My heart is seeking your divine intervention (describe the illness/issues). I welcome your help and I trust  and follow your guidance with gratitude and grace.  I need a miracle and seek that you send to me and in this situation quickly.
 Thank You Thank You Thank You"

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