Sunday 27 October 2013

What is Su Jok Therapy?
 Su Jok therapy is a Korean self healing technique using our palm as pressure point.
By massaging the pressure points of the organs area on our palm , it will stimulate the affected area, a curative energy wave goes back to the affected body part removing the cause of disorder and the body restores its health and stability.  Example- if you have congested lungs or asthma, give a massage using your thumb on the area where your lungs is on the below picture (works well for cancer too)

 Note : In Su Jok ,  fingers pointing downwards.
 For headache or sinus, you may massage the tip of you thumb - it represent your facial.
Adults having knee problem, massage the center of Middle finger(right knee)
 and Ring finger (left knee).
The Thumb represent our face and throat .
our fingers represent hand and legs as shown (pic)

(Pic below)
Pressure point using Su Jok needles for sinus (thumb) and congested lungs.

 (Pic below)
Pressure point using kidney beans to stimulate kidney area.
 ( notice the pressure point areas - left hand left kidney and right hand right kidney)

Below using pepper seeds to massage the heart, lungs and liver area. (Pepper seeds are used for asthma and cancer massage as its hot and warm)

 Pressure point for -

Pressure point for our Vertebra - (backache)

Pressure point for ovaries ( cyst, cancer , stimulation for fertility)

Pic below- for diabetes ; the area colored in Red shows our pancreas area.
(placing fingers down wards)

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