Sunday 15 June 2014

Hologram Visual Meditation with AH

Hologram Visual Meditation  (self or for anyone)

For cancer/Asthma/Congested lungs/ MERS/Back ache /healing kidneys…..other issues.

Sit and relax in place that you are comfortable in your home.

Inhale gently divine energy into your mind, hold for a second,

 Exhale  gently unwanted thoughts – 5 times

** if your mind is disturbed, change your sitting area til your find the spot that brings your peace while doing the said technique.

Once your body, mind and soul are relax and calm, there’s no disturbance to the mind/thoughts

Let’s  start.

Technique to heal person has a history of asthma or someone with congested lungs.

You may close you eyes with relaxation  (beginners  ) 

 to the one’s who does  meditation,  follow your heart focus on your 3rd eye or tip of you nose.

As you seated leg crossed,  gently place both your hand on your lap or on your knees 

Palm  facing one another.

Visual  the symbol  I have given you (my students), symbols of your  Masters/Guruji/Avatar/Swami/religion, Arch Angels or your  Master’s Divine Light

Gentle visual these divine energy in between both you palms

(your may draw the symbols using your eyes or mind)

Now  place your  loved one (son/daughter/grandkids/spouse/…..) visual him/her as a hologram where you are able to see through their  body…. now you able to see all the organs,  joints, bones  and anything that you want to see in them.

 Still placing both palms facing one another, visual  your hands  are now penetrating into the hologram of your child and placing your hand (visual, cos your real hands are on your lap/knees)  on his/her  lungs or chest area

You are now sending your  Divine energy (symbols, light of your guru/masters/arch angels)

To your child’s health issue

As you are doing this, some may visual  dark black smoky  lungs/chest – its ok,  send them as smoke heading towards Cosmic as love and light.

You may spend  your time on this –follow your heart

Once you are done with these dark energy,  visual the Divine Light on you palm healing every  tissue and cells in that area.   Use these light to clean and cleanse the blocked mucus

For your child to breathe better.

Spending time as Follow your heart

Once your settle and  comfortable on the  healing  process

Gently  bring your  from the inner hologram of your child, 

Now visual your palms are on the top of the hologram –lungs/chest area

Use your Divine symbols/Light/Arch angels to seal/close up the  area.

Now gently bring your palms together in a prayer position and

Say Thank You, Thank You, Thank you

You may do this technique as often as you like


You may visual the  Dentist's saliva suction equipment, cleaning and cleansing all the clogged mucus blocking the air passage and sending them to Cosmic as love and light.

Please treat this technique with love and respect as its given to me by my Higher Self.

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