Wednesday 1 July 2015

Akashmic Pyramid Meditation - Tapping into Thoughtless Zone

This technique comes strictly under Spiritual guidance to heal oneself on fear/illness/issues/situations.
and it flows according to clarity of One's heart guided by Higher Powers, as you enter in this Zone you surrender to your highest good for Higher Powers to scan your body, mind and soul.This is 

If you are relax and ready to enter this zone
(use the techniques I have taught in previous blogging) 


  Let's begin :-

Technique 1

find a comfortable place in your home

have a thought you are entering the Meditation Pyramid with a time limit
IT IS IMPORTANT to give a time limit
 ( I normally go into this zone for 10mins)

Visual you are inside the Pyramid that comes into your mind, 
it can be of any color or transparent or  solid , if you can't visual it then use the above caption. The Pyramid with base of 4 corners.

you may visual your given reiki symbols/religious symbol/
if you are a Muslim words from the Holy Quran or the word Allah.
lay down now like a Star or Starfish (spreading your legs and hands) palms facing upwards

just relax your  body, mind  and soul  saying " heal me".

You may feel cool breeze on your facial area.

if you find your thoughts are wondering....bring it back and focus on your breathing.
after the given time , say Thank You Thank You Thank You.

Giving Time Limit
once you enter this zone without a time limit, you may feel uneasy , nausea , giddiness or light headed cos the energy inside the Pyramid is too strong.  

What happens if you forget to give a time limit?? 
 if you are feeling the above side effects .... say that you are signing off/coming out of the Pyramid NOW.

**If you are doing this Technique for your children or loved ones, 
please know that they hidden senses or talent be sharpen and  it may surface. So you have to be prepare to acknowledge and accept the hidden senses/abilities of them to surface .

This is Divine Love Healing that will help you in any illness
(HIV, Caner, MS, Drug addictions, depressed, suicidal thoughts ) 

What the Mind can Conceive and Believe
It can be Achieved.


Other  Pyramid Technique of Akashmic  :-

 Siting position, you may visual yourself or anyone you are healing inside this hand position Pyramid.

You are receiving energy from above through your crown chakra, spreading to every nook and corner of your body, cell, fiber, blood, joints, muscles,  organs,bones and your spinal cord running through your limbs and sole and grounding to the center of Earth.  There is no time limit to this Technique.


Receiving and Grounding -Akashmic Pyramid Mediation

 This hand position was guided to me by my Higher-Self during my daily mediation on Pyramid Meditation.

As I sit in for meditation with this hand position, 
I visual my little self  seated in the center with :-
thumbs pointed upwards -receiving of Cosmic/Divine Love and Energy  and
Index fingers pointed downwards - grounding myself to the center of Earth.

The benefit I receive from this technique is staying
Balance in mind , heart and soul with the Love and Wisdom of Higher-Self.

With Love and Light,
 may you and your loved ones live a blessed life.


Note :-    
Akashmic Harmony is NOT asking anyone to discontinue or let go of their medication/treatments/follow-ups/therapy that they are undergoing or to disrespect their doctors orders/advise.  I believe that everything is balanced like the symbol Yin Yang,  medical treatment and self healing works together as a team. 
 Love, Light and Blessings


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