Sunday 11 October 2015

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind................(fill in the blank)

Train our mind to be strong, powerful and wise
fill it the the energy of  profound energy
by focusing ourself to do Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, Meditation
chanting of mantras or positive affirmations and most is the clarity of the heart.
These energies will link us to avoid having fear
in the midst of all chaos that is happening around us , today

When we indulge with these profound Energies
We will have the POWER to radiate Loving Kindness 
Our love, our aura, our chi has the ability to turn evil actions to a Stop!!!when we come face to face with them.
Practice makes  Perfect.

How do we practice to command?
Use a wind chime
use your mind or your chi, using your fingers
command it to circle clock wise or anti clock wise.
( don't put force, if it doesn't then keep on practicing,
you need to trust, trust, trust yourself. it took me a year)

plants in your garden, 
 play with your fingers gently above the leaves  as if your are enjoying a symphony 
then  focus your finger on a  leaf ...observe it moves gently like there is a Breeze.

The Universe needs YOU to help overcome evil.


my Wind Chime
a gift from my sister.

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