Saturday 31 December 2016

Blessing from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
inhale  gently divine vibes into your mind - hold - exhale,
fill your heart, mind , body and soul with profound energy

Friday 30 December 2016


May the vibration of 2017 brings us
good health, fortune, peace and Oneness on Earth.
May more wise Leaders merge to lead the World.

The Good will Rise.

Blessing from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind begins its day beautifully
sending lovely feelings to the heart  ......

 2016  trained me to strengthen my mind and thoughts 

to work with Higher Guides and I AM looking forward for 2017 
to be accepted in the Vortex of Manifesting only good to those who walk into my path. 

Beautiful people of mine 
Release your old patterns and
make way for new healthy vibration of 2017..

Good will Rise


..... that is the hidden Boons that will only surface once we passed all our life test  layers by layers, seeing them as lessons to evolve us (a clear passage without fear,  judgements,doubts, blockages and barriers)

love and light 
akashmic harmony


Its been 3 years of this Blog

My Beautiful Viewers
for your kind love, support and trust on this blog
Thank you for keeping it alive with your daily viewing
which motivates me to go on blogging and sharing
 my thoughts. messages from my Higher-Self, 
 Meditation techniques, self research and knowledge
to the highest good of all concern
with gratitude 
Thanks to viewers 
United Kingdom

( whoever you are, wherever you are in this world)
 for being a part of  Universal Task Force Team
spreading  your Love, Kindness and Compassion to heal everything that been wounded. 

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Saturday 24 December 2016

from the blog of Akashmic Harmony

From the Light Workers World,
to souls been discriminated/sidelined , unable to be home with family and friends on this festive season,
 You are in our thoughts and very much loved.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Message from HigherSelf

Blessings from the world of Akashmic Harmony

A beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind radiates happiness to others

Getting dragged in, into other people's low mentality/act/behavior;
 its like we are helping them to carry their baggage of drugs and get caught at checkpoint. 
getting ourselves into life time problem which was not meant to be in our Journey.

stay focus stay balance stay grounded .

Akashmic Harmony: By Dr Sumithra Niriella

Akashmic Harmony: By Dr Sumithra Niriella: Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy   In this modern day many people suffer from emotional, psychological and physical difficulties for many...

Akashmic Harmony: Recommendation - Books by Jv Aster

Akashmic Harmony: Recommendation - Books by Jv Aster: with love and light,  I am sharing here, books authored by a good friend of mine,  Jv Aster from United Kingdom.  to viewers interested, ...

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Blessings from the world of Akashmic- Task Force Team

A beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind has the ability to manifest only good.

Task Force Team of Akashmic,
Your empowering vibes are much needed NOW
Its been gloomy in Light Workers world,
a message from Cosmic asking us to send out 
protective prayers, meditation, arch angels, mantras, affirmations , love and positive thoughts,
to very nook, every corner of this world to protect and heal all of us.

with much love and light

Tuesday 22 November 2016

a thought from Higher-Self

 Whatever that is happening NOW is fear and desperation  
 Never ever think that friends/buddies/connections
has all the Power to save and secure us - they are temporary.
Everything on this earth are from Universal Life Force.
Every "game" that been played is going to replay
but this time ; its with Higher Powers 

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind outs a smile on your face, 
love in your heart and good thoughts in your mind

Sending out empowering vibes ......


Monday 21 November 2016

Love works in a mysterious way designed by Higher Powers

Thought of the day....

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind is soothing to the heart.

To my lovely viewers/Victorious cancer warriors/
LGBTQ/victims and silent victims of bully,
wherever you are , whatever you are going through in life
Just breathe.......
"I am as strong as a Mountain,
 I am grounded well to the center of Earth"  

Inhale-  divine vibes into your body, mind and heart
Exhale - fear, troubles, all unwanted thoughts and feelings to Cosmic as love and light.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Thought of the day

Blessing from the world of love and light

A beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind owns nothing but has everything....

With Love and Light, 
Wishing my Beautiful viewers a bliss and great week ahead
May you be well, happy and at ease.

A gentle reminder :-

The past weeks been a strong energy shift for some of us, 
please cleanse and release all the unwanted vibes picked  in, out and around you to Cosmic as love and light , making way for clear healthy vibes into you mind and heart. 

Inhale gently- Divine Vibes
Exhale gently - "I am sending all that doesn't serves me good to Cosmic as love and light"

Sunday 13 November 2016

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

Monday, November 14th our dear Moon is in the Earthy sensual sign of Taurus.
 Ruler of the material world (form), and associated to Venus the ruler of love, art, beauty and relationships.
Our sun is in the mysterious and transformative water sign Scorpio.
So just what lies beneath those deep murky waters?
 Now is the time where situations that were once hidden reveal themselves and come to the surface. Our Taurus full moon also just so happens to be a super moon, meaning it's closest to Earth and it's energies and influence will be very potent.
The Moon affects the ocean’s tides and if you live along the ocean’s coastline, this full moon would be an excellent time to watch for high tides. The Taurus Full Moon ask us to nurture the neglected and wounded parts of ourselves, reconnect to nature, and our physical bodies. Use this moon energy to illuminate our heart center and our shadows.

shared by William Clark ( UK)

Saturday 12 November 2016

Vibration picked from the World of Akashmic

 Light has arrived to set things right....
It needs all our love, kind thoughts and prayers
to fight everything that are not right for us.

Vibrations don't lie 


Wednesday 9 November 2016

Are You Ready???

Are you ready to embark on a journey with Akashmic,
when you are told that your health insurance is not approved
and you have no money for good medication or treatments
or.... for your loved ones??

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind at times may talk lot  that comes from the heart
because, it is not trained to be cunning.

The vibes I am picking since last night til this moment:-

"An Entrepreneur will think Beyond the Box
to stabilize Economic and creating more job opportunities"

and this words are linked to  - 
Apprentice and  IKEA  


Saturday 5 November 2016

sharing with love and light .....a old photo of akashmic

while going through some old photo albums of mine,
I found this picture of mine before merging into this time and space.

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind always has beautiful thoughts

Have a bliss Sunday with your loved Ones.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Thought of the day.....

Blessings from the World of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind begins with a beautiful day.....

sending my love & light to all my lovely viewers
 from all over the Globe
Thank You for visiting my Blog
May you be Well and Happy
May you be at ease and peace
May you surround yourselves with empowering vibration


Wednesday 2 November 2016

What does your urine says ??

Cleanse your mind, heart and soul with akashmic

My lovely Victorious warriors, Caregivers, LGBTQ community and victims/silent victims of bully
you are never forgotten at this blog and in my thoughts......

whenever you are feeling down/scared/frustrated/
say this prayer to calm your heart.

always remember YOU ARE LOVED by Light Workers.
love and light,
akashmic harmony

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind inhales love and exhale peace
in midst of chaos ...........

"I invoke the light of Divine within. 
I AM a clear and perfect channel. 
Light is my guide"


Saturday 29 October 2016

Message to my Malaysian Viewers

surround yourselves with divinity vibes
your prayers, meditation, mantras, chanting, affirmations are much needed now for the welfare of this country and its people.

If you are troubled by the Politics of this country,
turn that feelings to your ability to heal all the unwanted situation that is going on.  This is how we can help Bersih 5 .

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind is always filled with positive waves..

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Thought of the day

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind is always creating Love..........

In this world of political chaos
all we need is LOVE vibes for us to be in at ease and peace,
many unhappy events can be created through minds that can be bought to be in power because of the fear its facing.

stay blessed stay strong stay loved 
stay with Higher Powers -TRUTH in life


Tuesday 18 October 2016

Thought of the day

Clarity of the Heart leads to Manifestation
- akashmic harmony -

Blessings from the World of Love and Light

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiates lovely thoughts
for the heart to be at peace and ease.....

 breathe in gently
- release out all disturbing thoughts/feelings to Cosmic as love and light
 -  again breathing in the love and light of divine vibes.
- filling every nook, every corner, every cell, every organ, every muscles, joints, bone, spine , brain cells with bright/sparking light
Be at ease saying "I AM healed" or
 " I AM one with the love and wisdom of the Universe"
 courtesy from the Heart of Dellreena Thusara Jonville (France)

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

To my Beautiful viewers seeking for Akashmic Harmony,
Thank You for visiting this Blog and I promise to be back the soonest.

Monday 26 September 2016

Thought of the day

Blessings from the World of Akashmic.

a beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiates lovely feelings to the heart
a lovely heart is always at bliss.............

Love one another and help others to rise to the higher frequency
simply by pouring out love. 
Love is infectious and the greatest Healing energy.


Monday 19 September 2016

Love and Thoughts .......

Love and Light
to the Aid Workers of UN humanitarian aid convoy
that perished in line of duty as Earth Angels in Syria.
"May their journey from this plane of existence be as brave and beautiful as their heart and soul"           

Sunday 18 September 2016

coffee with Akashmic

when we reach the summit of realization
we will realize that all that has happen or is happening to us
is actually teaching us to know ourselves better.
for example,  dealing with slandering , accusations, liars, manipulations and troublesome people with endless issues,
are teaching us to sharpen our inner wisdom, our spiritual path and to honor everything that we have learned from Higher Self .....

to fight or worry about these loose characters or to be in silent conversation with Higher Powers.
Its, teaching us about us to strengthen our mind, our heart, our soul
 and not about them or anyone.

Illness - makes us realize that in the world of working, taking care of parents, children and others, we have neglected to take good care of our organs that been very kind and nice to us.
We have forgot that organs have feelings too.

Illness is pause make us realize that organs plays an important role in our lives.
 - akashmic harmony -


Blessings from the World of Akashmic

a Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
 a beautiful mind is always grounded and wise

Wishing all my Lovely viewers from all over the world
a bliss and empowering Monday and a week ahead
May you be in best of health,
 be the Master of your body, mind and soul
illness, parasites and disturbance of the mind are just transit guest 
visiting us.

If you are depress , always choose to listen to mantras, chanting, affirmations,
motivating talks or view and angelic portal and breathe divine love
Empower yourself with positive vibes
and vibrate to the highest frequency  


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...