Monday 28 April 2014


Good Night chat with AH

Wishing my BeYoutiful Warriors and Caregivers a bliss night, may the world be kind to you and may your own thoughts be gentle upon you.  Be a good warrior to you caregivers. Caregivers your dedication, love and patience are seen as Earth Angels.

My Lovely Healing hearts, Silent souls, GLBT , you are loved by Akashmic and her Divine Team.  You Are Not Alone.

My Beautiful Medical Team, may your Aura brings peace to my Warriors.

Thank you all for keeping this blog alive.

Re-posting on Anti Cancer agents

Re-posting once again on Powerful  anti cancer diet

- Youtube - Dr Budwig's diet
-  Flax seed oil also known as Chia seed
-  Graviola fruit or juice
   (Graviola also known as Soursop)


Sunday 27 April 2014

Love & Prayers

From the Blogs of Akashmic Harmony, our Love, Light and Prayers  are with you,  my BeYoutiful Blogger Stephen Sutton, 
age 19.   Keep up the fight with the love in you.
Sada Sukhi Honto, dear .

A Kid's world by Alok Jain

Somewhere deep in my heart l desire to go back in time and become a kid again.

I miss those days when I was innocent, carefree and free spirited .There was no stress, no tension, no pressures and no expectations. My world was free from gossips, manipulations and backstabbing. That was the time when I didn’t know what words like jealousy, hatred and racism meant. That was a time when I had faith in people whom I called friends. Life was so peaceful, beautiful and amusing. But now all that seems like once upon a time.

But seriously If I had a choice I would never grow up…But if wishes were horses we would never have broken and shattered dreams and fulfill all our desires..!

Copyright by Alok Jain
All rights reserved . No part of this article be used or reproduced.

 with thanks to Google Images

God's plan on LOVE by Alok Jain

Be the Sun to someone's Sky. You will bring light to their heart.. Be the Sky to someone's Sun. You will be opening up your arms for them to shine in you. God made the Stars for the Moon. God made the Sky for the Sun. God made the Oceans for the Land. God made Eve for Adam. For every thing and everyone, God has made a partner. So don't cry for your partners that are gone, they were not the perfect match for you. Your perfect match has yet to come, God has a plan..!   

Copyright by Alok Jain
All rights reserved . No part of this article be used or reproduced.

with thanks to Google Images

Love Salad by Alok Jain

If you genuinely love someone, don't ever decorate her eyes with tears, her ears with lies, and her heart with a wound
If she is an apple and you are an orange, celebrate your differences, Make a great fruit salad. Love is not about being the same; it’s about being sweet with each other. 

Copyright by Alok Jain
All rights reserved . No part of this article be used or reproduced.

with thanks to Google Images.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Happy Morning my precious BeYoutiful warriors.
Sometime we don't always need advice
All we need is a Hug, an ear to listen
and a heart to understand us.

Inhale Love & Light, Exhale darkness

Same goes to parasites and virus that invade our health
Fight to the very end
Inhale Divine Light, exhale bliss
If you are unable to do, seek the Light of others around you
to brighten up and removed darkness of you soul.


Agreed? my BeYoutiful Warrriors

Thursday 17 April 2014

LOVE vs parasites

Dear parasite, 
Welcome to my world of LOVE,  here you see happiness, joy, smiles and the beauty of everything/situation/issues. While you are here as a transit guess, allow me to introduce my body system to you :-
I AM the HOST of my body, heart, mind and soul
I AM Divine Energy of Reiki
I AM   Strong, Powerful, Whole and Love
I AM trained and guided to Love, Love, Love, Love even in the most hurt situation.
I offer you Peace, I offer you Love
And I set you free to Cosmic as Love and Light
 -  akashmic harmony  -

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with the people of South Korea

May the souls of sudden death have a bliss journey from this plane
Our Thoughts and prayers are with families of the ill fated ferry - South Korea.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Breakfast chat with Akashmic Harmony (16/4/14)

*Wishing my BeYoutiful Warriors a Perfect Day filled with love.

*My BeaYoutiful Caregivers, Medical Team and Viewers, may your presence and Aura brings Peace and Comfort to my precious warriors.

*My Beautiful GLBT, Healing hearts and silent souls ...YOU are not alone YOU Loved by Divine Force (feel it in your heart)

"Raise yourself to the level of energy where you are the light you seek, where you are the happiness you desire, where you are the love you feel is missing, where you are the unlimited abundance you crave".      - Dr Wayne Dyer -

breakfast with akashmic anyone? 

Friday 11 April 2014

When the mind is at chaos

My BeYoutiful Warriors, Caregivers, Healing Hearts, Silent souls, Medical Team and Viewers :-

When everything around you seems to have conspired to keep you away from your  daily routine/task/job.
Take a moment to do this :-

As you inhale gently say " I AM strong as a Mountain"  

as you exhale gently say " I AM rooted to the centre of the  Earth,  I INTEND to accomplish my task now"

Manifesting Goals

* Write on a piece of paper what we want for people to act towards us or the positive situation we want from them.
  ex :- My children are perfectly healthy, protected, successful, wise          and respected.
          I love my job and my boss is very happy with my work.
          My mother-in-law just minds her own business cos she loves         her son very much
          Name (.....) is free from illness.

*  Then give thanks for the many lives and blessings we have

* In the end of the paper write :-
  " All this that manifest now for my highest good and for the all of highest good".

* Then hold close to your heart the paper and image/feel all these things written going into your body in a form of positive light or symbols

*  Give thanks for the life and blessings we have & opportunity to become your true self.

* Burn the paper with a bit of sage & feel the smoke.
   Take abit of the ashes and rub on your hand or heart chakra area.
*** burn then in a pot & later the balance of the ashes to be buried in your garden or in a flower  pot)

Abundance Affirmation

- I AM now 100% open to Abundance

- I NOW align myself 100% with Abundance

- I surrender all my fears

- I AM now 100% open to receiving Abundance in it's forms

-  I AM now 100% open to my Abundance and ALL the Joy it      brings

- I AM now a LIVING MAGNET for Abundance

- I now INTENT that Abundance finds me quickly

- I believe money is warm and nurturing

- I trust in DIVINE ABUNDANCE and so it IS


Thursday 10 April 2014

Do you know that Angels/Devas too, fall and need  human Love and Light to fix their broken wings and energize them.   No one is special in the eye of Divine.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

My BeYoutiful Doctors and Medical Team, Caregivers and Viewers

Allow Divine Love to flow through you and let your light shine, 
Be a source of strength and courage to my Warriors
Share your Patience and Radiate your love to Warriors around you
cos you never know who is admiring you from a Distant

Monday 7 April 2014

Good Night from the World of Miracles and Mystic

Good Night my BeYoutiful precious Warriors, Caregivers, Healing hearts, silent souls, GLBT,  Medical Teams and Viewers. 

Where ever you are, Who ever you are, What ever you are going through; I wish you filled with Divine Love,
I wish you Well and Happy, May you be at Peace and at Ease
Remember when fear, doubts or worries pops out, inhale AH into your mind and exhale unwanted vibes,  place your palm on your heart and AH's Divine Force will be there with you.

This blogs is alive today its because of you visiting it every moment. THANK YOU .

Sunday 6 April 2014

Forgiveness Meditation

Forgiveness Meditation

I  let go of griverence from my heart 
and accept only Miracles into my life

I forgive you and set you free.
Your past action/actions no longer have power over ME
I acknowledge that you are doing the best that you can 
and I respect you in your process of unfoldment
You are free and I AM free.
All Is Well between us
Peace is the order of the Day.

(Gentle note :- in order to perform this letting go technique, both parties must realize their weakness, ask for forgiveness and become as ONE in peace, only then this meditation will work on the person who's practices this technique.   If  you alone want to set your self free from holding the other party as a prisoner of your heart and  the other party is full of ego, this technique will only go into deeper cleasing and misery for both parties)

Saturday 5 April 2014


Star Light, Star Bright
You are the only star I see tonight
Bliss Night my BeYoutiful warriors , caregivers, healing hearts, silents souls and viewers, May the world be kind to you, may your own thoughts be gentle upon you.
Be in your best pyjamas cos you will never know who might visit your dreamland.

To my lovely ER Team/Medical Team, where ever in the world you are ; THANK YOU for being on duty while others are asleep
You are our EARTH ANGELS. 

Good Night from the World of Akashmic Harmony

Friday 4 April 2014

My foster mystical baby looks like this little cream puff (on the right)

Thursday 3 April 2014

Introducing Tilakasiri Simon, Reiki Master and the first Certified Healing Code Practitioner in Malaysia.

Dear Warriors and Viewers, please feel free to view and purchase this remarkable book which is authored by Tilakasiri Simon which is available now online at

(picture courtesy of

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...