Tuesday 28 April 2015

From the heart of Akshmic- Travelling Protection at this time of Distress

Beautiful people of mine
if you have any family members, loved ones, friends or your good-self  traveling on a journey. 

Visual this pic in your mind that your loved one is in this protective divine bubble , call upon your Higher-self/Archangels or recite your prayers, Gayatri Mantra to be in this bubble for the next 24/48 hours, a week , a month.  

When you do this technique there should be NO doubt or fear, its 100% blessings and love in your heart.  

A Gentle Note
its always nice to share our powers of protection  by  saying :-  " Please protect all on board , may All reach safely to their loved ones".  Anyone is free share this technique, its from Universal Life Force....I can't claim it to be mine.   Love and Light

** You may apply the same technique -  on your school/college/University  going children too.

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