Friday 29 May 2015


Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind creates lovely vibes to the Heart
A Lovely Heart is at ease and peace 
doesn't analyze on anything/anyone and always Believes
everything happens for a reason blessed by Divine

When Divine/Universal Life Force has given you
all the possibilities your hearts desires
when block is built and a new passage is shown for your happiness
is nice to appreciate and count your blessings that nothing is loss
until one day you realize you have lost all the possibilities and opportunities because everything happens for a perfect reason.

Inhale Bliss Exhale Peace


Is it the Power of Love or is it the Power of Hope & Trust

To Love and to be Loved is the most Beautiful feeling
laced with trust, care, support, honesty and all the sweetness that keeps it alive in midst of all  test and chaos by others
To love in exile is the most Ultimate love , the HEART never gives up or gets tired of loving in exile.

Bliss Night from the World of Akashmic

Sleep well my Beautiful Beings
know that you are safe, secure and loved in a place call
Dreamland, the only zone without barriers, boundaries, discrimination and rejection.

Its a World of your own. And did you know that someone you miss, will be waiting in your Dreamland with Magical Mystic dreams of joy and happiness. Close your eyes now and sleep well my dear Victorious Warriors and All my Beautiful Beings visiting this blog.

To my discomfort Victorious Warriors, 
relax and inhale as gentle as possible
visual divine light/symbols at the discomfort area
exhale discomfort/pain. 

or as you chant Gayatri Mantra , focus it flowing to the discomfort area and exhale gently.

When AH is in pain, I visual Arch angel Michael , gently stroking my discomfort area with his white feather, spreading his light and release the pain to Cosmic as love and light.

Be safe Be secure Be loved, knowing you are touched by Light Energies, leaving you with the fragrance of gratitude, joy and oneness.

To sharpen your Intution

 Inhale bliss Exhale peace of the mind

I open myself to accept my intuition and wisdom
I think positive thoughts about myself and everything around me

A walk with Akashmic.............

"I have many spiritual gifts and abilities to help me manifest 
that I desire.  My thoughts and feelings are based in love and assisting me in changing any aspect of my life 
that is out of balance "

Thursday 28 May 2015

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Journey of Love Mates

 by Him :-
I hold out my hands to you
One hand slowly unfolds
Revealing to you the key of my heart.
My other hand hold the password to my soul.
These two gifts I place in your hand
Along with the third gift.
The one that bounds the other two together
This gift is my trust.
These three gifts I give to you
My heart, my soul and my trust.
As I place my hand over the top of yours
Listen as I say "I love you".
I turn and walk away
Now you hold all that I am in your hand
The choice is yours.

By Her :
 My Beloved,
I am blessed to be the chosen one
to your legacy of love,
  take my hand
And with it comes
My ...
and Infinity
Take my hands close to your heart
 as I whisper  "I LOVE YOU" and with it
All I have
All I AM
Is forever yours
One breath One heart beat

Monday 25 May 2015


We know your weakness
You are being bullied too......
A Victim of Bully of your own mind
Please feel free to join all other victims/silent victims of bully in Rise Against Bully and Akashmic

My Lovely GLBQ/Victims of Bully/Healing Hearts/Souls

 Love your lovely life ,that is designed for you to be connected to those who lifts you UP .
don't be dragged by lower energies that complicate matters/life for you  cos they designed it for themselves.

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

 A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful minds produces profound emotions to the Heart
A Beautiful Heart sees, touches and feels with profound love

that never harms and never can be harmed by anyone
 A heart at Bliss  is connected to the LOVE of Higher-self

Inhale love exhale peace

Saturday 23 May 2015

Are you THIS ??

To break rules
You must first master them 
to some it begins at childhood
they are not problem kids......
they are the chosen ones to make this place
a better place for all those been discriminated by family, community and society.

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind .........hmmmmm?
What does your  beautiful mind create, my beautiful people.

Mine  usually thinks......
why is it have to be that way?
why do we have be afraid of speaking out  truth?
why  truth is always hidden and not allowed to be seen
while lies moves freely?

stay bless stay bliss stay loved


Friday 22 May 2015

Earth Angels/Guides are beings that guides you to many possibilities.
They are lovable, fun and evolve energies. 
They believe in getting hurt and healing themselves in pursuing their given task for your well being

They are here upon your request (prayers/intent)
opening channels linking you to Beings in real life or  in Cyber world to  unblock all blockages, making you know that you are safe, loved and in the right track when your mind doubts, and they guide or link you to new things, new people that vibrates to the same frequency as them.


A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind is honestly beautiful to our thoughts, heart, emotions and soul

Inhale Divine vibes Exhale peace/love/bliss


Monday 18 May 2015

I love my Life.................

life is a bonus of love to those who gives out love
without  ill feelings, demands, ego and expectations. 
I Love my adventurous life, a world of pyaar where ever I see
Because ......
"I know myself the way Divine knows my heart " 

- suchitra dharmasena -

There is an exit door to everything

Break All Human made rules and barriers
Create exit ways when there are none
Dare To Be Different...........
Love your Beautiful Life with Akashmic Harmony


Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind  will eventually manifest 
a Beautiful Life that's no longer complains 

And how do we do this??
Akashmic is out of her mind..............

My lovely people, 
activate your thoughts/emotions to positive
seeing all problems/troubles/barriers as a test to evolve
just like all the exam you sat for in school/college/University

breathe in  "I am as strong as a Mountain"
breathe out " I am grounded to the center of earth"

Saturday 16 May 2015

Urgent - LIGHT WORKERS need your kind help.......

Dear  Task Force Team of AH and  viewers
Your empowering prayers, meditation, chanting, healing vibes, Arch Angels are need urgently to ground Mother Earth, visual and spread your vibes of any form to centre of earth spreading to Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Russia and to all Great Oceans for the next 48 hours.  Viewers of India , please, this is important , recite or chant Gayatri mantra 108 or 1008 times directing it to Mother Earth.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

By Akashmic Harmony

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A beautiful mind can be in chaos due to medication

something that can't be explained by Akashmic

Wishing all my BeYoutiful people a bliss and bless day 
filled with love and blessings.

May the world be kind to us, may our Love vibration be gentle
upon us.

Sunday 10 May 2015

coffee with Akashmic

With Love and  Light from the Heart of Akashmic
for visiting my blogs each day
 keeping it alive with your views
inspiring and motivating me to blog
You are loved

Message by Aaron Carter

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A beautiful mind is Beautiful zone to be in

Wishing  all  my BeYoutiful people an empowering
week ahead filled with love and blessings

When there is clarity in your heart
Pureness of your mind
You will be loved by Higher Force
that will never allow anyone to hurt you or see you left lost
trust me,  you will be defended and honored to the Highest

Walk with me.........
Breathe with me..........



HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY - from the blogs of Akashmic Harmony

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind produce healthy thoughts and hormones

Breathe........just breathe and let go of all 
that doesn't serve you good to Cosmic as love and light
Breathe the air that is tax free
and only think of the present moments
Inhale bliss , Exhale love.



~~~My Beloved ~~~

Am I not your breath ?
Am  I not your heart beat ?
Am I not your precious treasure ?
Am I not your World?
Am I not your Sweetheart Warrior?

Poison potion by The Shadow has blinded me
lost in this dark world hoping for your presence
Why my Beloved.....
You are no where to be near me
 You are with the shadow that wounded me with
endless battles of LOVE
and the final one that has blinded me
 from seeing My Beloved

My Beloved.......
Its no longer a battle now
Only two can survives as a pair
Only one can be made the Queen of your Kingdom
you have made a decision never to look this wounded Warrior. 

- akashmic harmony -

Benefits and Properties of Natural Remedies ....


we are all unique and special to this time and space

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...