Tuesday 5 May 2015

In Loving Memory of my lovely Friend

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind stands tall in midst of all chaos
and says "I LOVE my beautiful life"
 that never cause any harm , its only Love, Love, Love

Few days ago I lost a Lovely friend whom I was connected by Divine on FB/Timelin for a perfect reason.  Its was a most Unique friendship if one knew our story on how we become so close.....I don't think any other women will be able to create this bond of love with knowing the true story of each other.  Yup.....we were like Yin and Yang in a mission to frighten off a person for the truth to surface.  She was the stronger side - Yin, but she always tells me that she likes my daring and boldness attitude not knowing she is seeing herself in me.

Shamilla Moodley , 48 years old , she passed away on the morning of  Wesak day 3/5/15 in South Africa.  She underwent a simple Hernia surgery which got complicated  and after 3 weeks of fighting for her life which was filled with  Universal prayers, healing vibes, meditation, chantings,  positive thoughts from friends and friends of friends, she decided to "return"  home. Her mission to this time and space has been accomplished  and been called upon to be with her one and only son, who passed away 6 years ago at age of 15 due to a heart attack.

It doesn't have to be cancer, illness, accidents or air disasters 
even a simplest surgery.......
 If its meant for us to leave, nothing or no one can stop us from walking into this Bliss Journey out this plane of existence.

Yes......things change in a blink of an eye, leaving unfinished conversations and replies, pending friendship without a goodbye can be sad and unable to accept the gone. 

"Where is your Magic, sister Sue, I don't see it"
each time when she knew I was hurt by someone on FB , these is the line she puts in my message box.


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