Tuesday 26 May 2015

Journey of Love Mates

 by Him :-
I hold out my hands to you
One hand slowly unfolds
Revealing to you the key of my heart.
My other hand hold the password to my soul.
These two gifts I place in your hand
Along with the third gift.
The one that bounds the other two together
This gift is my trust.
These three gifts I give to you
My heart, my soul and my trust.
As I place my hand over the top of yours
Listen as I say "I love you".
I turn and walk away
Now you hold all that I am in your hand
The choice is yours.

By Her :
 My Beloved,
I am blessed to be the chosen one
to your legacy of love,
  take my hand
And with it comes
My ...
and Infinity
Take my hands close to your heart
 as I whisper  "I LOVE YOU" and with it
All I have
All I AM
Is forever yours
One breath One heart beat

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