Wednesday 11 November 2015

Message to victims/silent victims of bully of any kind

You are not alone
You are Loved  by Light Workers World
You  are here to this time and space with the approval of God
not by bullies or anyone,

Please know that Bullies are also a victim of bully....
They are bullied by their own mind , 
they could have had an unhappy childhood life bullied or victimize by their parents/step parents/friends/teachers/cousins/separated by parents and family which brings anger inside them.
so they are just Humans like everyone of us.
They have no special powers or abilities in them.

Why are you being bullied???
Why is this happening to you???
Why do you have to live in fear or in misery being a victim????
because the Bully/bullies smells your fear, your weakness
and you being an introvert.

How do Akashmic knows this??
I was a victim of bully too, for I only see truth in lies
truth in hypocrisy, truth in manipulation, truth in destroying marriages,truth in love games, truth in liars but being a lovely soul in the eyes of others, I see truth where my loved one is unable to see.
I can't live a life controlled by others and I can not be what others wants me to be; or to live a life as they want it their way.  I came to this world that is meant only for me or designed for me........
so by doing what is meant for me , I became a victim of bully.

My dear beautiful victims/silent victims
with love and light, please associate yourself with people who lifts you up, loves you and cares for you.
Never make a decision of your own.
There are many Light Workers on social network that you  can be friends with.
Link yourself to Youtube on LightWorkers World and be One of us.
Universal Life Force needs your profound heart to heal many other victims of bully and humanity.

Here are some empowering, inspiring and trusted links:-
 (FaceBook which are open for public view)

Justin Preston - Rise Against Bulling
Christina Charalambous -  Puzzle Pieces
Roland Hirasek 
 Jv Aster
Thana Segaran
William Clark

Akashmic Harmony

Just a gentle note, 
the above mentioned individuals are compassion Guides,
 they are not for private love chats or for love affairs. 

 love and light


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