Saturday 30 January 2016

Thought of the day..............

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind is always connected to Higher Self

Have a lovely day Beautiful Beings of mine
You time, your attention, your love, your kindness
your concern these are some of the greatest natural gift
that you can give your loved ones.....

Never ever wait for illness to take over your love.
Sada Sukhi Honto


Friday 29 January 2016

From the Heart of Akashmic Harmony

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind radiates lovely feelings to the Heart
 a lovely Heart is always at ease and peace

"All of life is energy and we are transmitting it
at every moment "



Friday 22 January 2016

Thought of the day....

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind is always at ease and peace.


Align of 5 planets from Jan20th 2016 - Feb 20th 2016

The solar system is all set to give a rare celestial show on Wednesday, January 20th (2016). This phenomenon will align Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter – and these 5 planets will all be visible from Earth, appearing in a diagonal line.


This incredible planetary event is the first time the five bright planets have aligned in such a way in more than 10 years – and they will stay stationed in this position until Feb. 20th.
A unique moment in time, which brings us yet another reason to gaze and appreciate the sky, but also brings an interesting intersection of energies. From a spiritual point of view, seeking a lesson in the soul of each planet – allows us to reflect deeper and gaze inward as well.

Mercury is the ruler of communication – take inventory of how you express your emotions with your words, and be mindful if your tone is in alignment with your intention.

Venus relates to love –  be sure to give love to where ever you may feel lack, and to give lots of gratitude to where there is already love.

Mars is considered the action planet, so if there’s been something you’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t yet done – get moving, and take the actions necessary to gain momentum. With the other planets being your guide, also remember to be loving in your actions, and to communicate from a place of pure intention.Jupiter is the philosopher, and this is a great time to find the “gold” in your life’s lessons. Give love to the good, give love to the bad, allow all experience to serve as the fuel that burns your fire for desire – and if there is any area of your life that still feels “heavy”, be your own spiritual alchemist and find appreciation for the lesson, and forgive with all of your heart, because the heart is the philosopher’s stone.

Saturn relates to karma, so it is important to consider the timeless words of Bob Marley,  “every little action // there’s a reaction (satisfy my soul).” Perhaps there may be some actions that have occurred lately that brought about an unpleasant reaction. We always reap what we sow, and whatever good we give to the world – we will get back (same principle applies to the bad as well). If life hasn’t been going your way, consider what actions you need to take to cause a better outcome, and what must be done to undo anything that isn’t resonating with your highest truth.
Perhaps this energetic alignment is a call for us to align our communication with love, our love with action, our action with the knowledge of our experiences, and our experiences with the right frame of mind – to live as the best version of ourselves…maybe it’s just a rare phenomenon, nothing more.

Whatever the case may be, consider the lesson – and appreciate the beauty, always.

with thanks to
Evolve Ascend (Google web) 

Sunday 17 January 2016

Thought of the day............

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind radiates good thoughts and 
lovely emotions to the heart,
a Lovely heart is always loved and goes on radiating love and light

Wishing All my viewers a lovely day filled with blessings

To my :-
Victorious Warrior undergoing chemotherapy or Radiotherapy, my love and light, your braveness in this battle field inspires me to be a great Warrior. You are preparing many to a a battle you have fought to guide other warriors.

To my new and lost Cancer Warriors, it is not the end; there is always an exit door all you need to do is activate your thoughts to Healing. Never listen to negative words that will bring you down. Each of us have our own Akashic Records on our birth star, we are not align to anyone's birth star.  Kindly view on this blog "Beat Your illness Directory".

My lovely LGBTQ , always know that you are loved by Light Workers World and you are not alone. "At times you face difficulty because you are doing the right thing by not pretending to be someone you are not" it is the people around you that are having problem with your TRUTH.

My precious victims of bully of any kind,  you are being bullied because those who are bulling you are lack of love, these are the people who never had parents or anyone's love so they are being bullied by their own mind.  Please come out of your hidden shell, I am always here for you at my FB world (Akashmic Harmony) or Please do visit these sites if you feeling lonely or need help :-

Face Book 
Rise Against Bulling ( up coming Motivator Justin Preston, who was a victim of bully)
Anti Bulling Pro ( Princess Diana Award) - Protective Service, Educational and Consultants.

And to All others, may you have a lovely life surrounded by profound vibes.


Tuesday 12 January 2016

Soul-mate Journey

Our heart beats as One
and we cease together
we live for One other
never to give-up on our breath


Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind creates clarity of the heart.....

Never resist anything that is happening to us
like nasty comments, betrayal, back bites, illness
failures, lost love, unhappiness of leadership......etc
because these are meant to happen 
just like the Sun rises everyday without our permission
if its too hot , we stay in doors, 
if its nice we enjoy a good outing or picnic 
And the Moon appears without asking us if 
we could like to sleep for the next hours to rest
our body, mind and soul.

It is we, that should know how to align ourselves in our own ways.

And we cannot blame or judge others for the choices we make out of anger or out of loving a person too much.  





Friday 8 January 2016

Thought of the day ......

When there is love, you see the Beauty in the person you love
When there is anger and hatred, you see the Beauty in another
its that simple ...............

Blessings from the World of Akahsmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind creates a Beautiful life
seeing only the beauty of everything

Wishing  my BeYoutiful Beings a lovely day filled with blessings
Where ever you are, 
Who ever you are,
Whatever you are going through
always remember you are loved by the Light Workers World.

With Love and Light, as we get closer to Divine love,
whatever we are facing is not seen as chaos/conflict/storms
but as Task 

Inhale Divine vibes Exhale all the bullshit excuses
 (Yup, you are reading it well my dear viewers. When One uses the name of saints/divine/bhagawan in the pretext of putting others in trouble and claiming to be innocent, its called  stupidity bullshit) 

Monday 4 January 2016

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiates bliss to the heart and soul

"My Life is Beautiful in every-way,
knowing I am loved and supported by Higher Powers
for the journey I have embarked with the heart of clarity
that sees divinity in every situation
I AM that I AM  the name given, Akashmic Harmony"
inhale divine vibes exhale bliss

Saturday 2 January 2016

Sharing my thoughts ......My conversation with a Young soul

towards mid December 2015, I was undergoing a strong shift of energy on my Love path and I was making a decision to makes changes of my posting and blogging.  
As a lover of Rumi and Nature, I express my thoughts on love poems/write-ups which have caused some closed ones to think that I am romantically link to someone and some are concern about my relationship with my husband and so on.

There was a day , I sat in my little garden and mediated on this issue of making changes, seeking for something anew while releasing many questions to Universal Life Force. Then I felt a presence of a soul sitting next to me , as I opened my eyes , the soul asked me what's bothering me?? 
I mentioned my intend of making changes on my path of LOVE .  

all he said to me was,
 " You are a scriptwriter, isn't that what Scriptwriters does, expressing their ideas and passion. I been following your blog and I am happy you have a place to use your talent as you can't make to film industries.  In your blog, you encourage people to recognize their love and light , be who they are and not for others".  

I told him, I completely forgot about my certified passion and thank him for letting me know about my hidden passion of years.  Coolly he gave me a pat on my back and said "Chill Amma, you always Believe in me as a Footballer,  I believe in your love".

 god sends people as Divine Messengers

with love and light
Sue Sena

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind creates a Beautiful Life
being at ease and peace with Truth

Why is it that the more we align ourselves 
to the path of Divine love the more we are tested
on facing multiple issues , difficult situations and people around us?
Aren't we suppose to be at ease and peace as we get closer to God's love?

As we get closer to Divine Love, we undergo test of cleansing of heart, mind and soul
we need to pass very level perfectly mentally, emotionally and all that we have learned through our journey to move forward to the next level just like we are in Martial Art Competition.  All our senses needs to be sharpen as Wise Souls,
Soul that can't be provoked at anytime because we are mindful, focus and grounded well.


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...