Saturday 2 January 2016

Sharing my thoughts ......My conversation with a Young soul

towards mid December 2015, I was undergoing a strong shift of energy on my Love path and I was making a decision to makes changes of my posting and blogging.  
As a lover of Rumi and Nature, I express my thoughts on love poems/write-ups which have caused some closed ones to think that I am romantically link to someone and some are concern about my relationship with my husband and so on.

There was a day , I sat in my little garden and mediated on this issue of making changes, seeking for something anew while releasing many questions to Universal Life Force. Then I felt a presence of a soul sitting next to me , as I opened my eyes , the soul asked me what's bothering me?? 
I mentioned my intend of making changes on my path of LOVE .  

all he said to me was,
 " You are a scriptwriter, isn't that what Scriptwriters does, expressing their ideas and passion. I been following your blog and I am happy you have a place to use your talent as you can't make to film industries.  In your blog, you encourage people to recognize their love and light , be who they are and not for others".  

I told him, I completely forgot about my certified passion and thank him for letting me know about my hidden passion of years.  Coolly he gave me a pat on my back and said "Chill Amma, you always Believe in me as a Footballer,  I believe in your love".

 god sends people as Divine Messengers

with love and light
Sue Sena

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