Tuesday 28 February 2017

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind is very much loved by the heart that is at ease and peace.

Inhale bliss vibes into your mind, heart and body
Exhale gently peace.

through simple meditation we align ourselves to energy of Higher Intelligence.

relax and calm your mind - inhale and exhale gently
visual (the pic)
you are receiving this energy at your crown chakra 
its going through every nook and corner of your body,
healing your mind, heart and organ or part of your that needs healing.
you may visual
this energy showering you:-
to enhance your aura,
protecting you from being bullied,
for everything to flow well in your life
healing you from your health issue
manifesting abundance 
clearing all your problems/troubles/ blocks and barriers in life

 once you are done with this meditation ,
say Thank You Thank You Thank You


Monday 27 February 2017

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
 a beautiful mind sees things in the best way
in the midst of all chaos and struggles in life.

Who is your Zen Master??
Mine  - the Prime Minister of my country.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Blessings from the world of akashmic - healing juicing

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind has the ability to heal its body, mind and soul

Refuse to talk about your disease/illness, 
work to activate thoughts that predict recovery and 
overall well-being. 
 - Dr Wayne Dyer -

Inhale empowering vibes ( I AM healed)
Exhale fear/doubt/sneaky thoughts




note - please feel free to save and share this images or info with anyone you know who needs to know that cancer is not a death sentence.  My humble request is that when you share ,please omit the name Akashmic Harmony as these information images are all from Google .  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Monday 20 February 2017

Reminder by Higher Guides.....

thought of the day

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind is a peaceful mind

We are all unique in our own ways and a blessing to this time and space, only humans sets judgements and discriminated one another
Come out of your shell and radiate your love and light
 May you shine and  encourage those who walk into your path
to shine as well ...


Sunday 19 February 2017

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiates wise thoughts

Wishing my lovely Viewers an empowering Monday and a week ahead.
Rise to the highest frequency and radiate you love and light to those seeking for a Light to their dark moments.


Wednesday 15 February 2017

A reminder from Higher Guides

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiate love and light to the heart

Inhale peace Exhale bliss
Inhale peace Exhale bliss
Inhale peace Exhale bliss
Inhale peace Exhale bliss
Inhale peace Exhale bliss

When the heart, mind and body collaborate as a harmonious team
you have the capacity to heal yourself and others.


Monday 13 February 2017

dear Ones who are left lost or broken on Valentine's day.

Blessings from the world of Akashmic (14/2/17)

a Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind builds a beautiful love story to the heart
a heart that is at ease loves and loved at all seasons

LOVE is;

 It has no misery of barriers and blockages .

Just a gentle message :-
Don't killed your love if you are loved to the very best
 Happy Valentine's Day

Saturday 11 February 2017

Thought of the day...

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
when the mind is in harmony
the heart is at peace and ease
in the midst of human dramas

Inhale peace exhale Love
Inhale peace exhale Love
Inhale peace exhale Love
Inhale peace exhale Love
Inhale peace exhale Love

As you release your empowering vibes to the Universe
its heals all that needs to be healed .
(have that intent in your thoughts)

Have a bliss day with your loved ones.

Friday 10 February 2017

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A gentle message to say that we are now passing through a strong energy passage Full moon and Eclipse of the moon.

Vibration of  furious.

Please stay in the arms of divine vibes
stay mindful, stay silent, stay balance, stay loved,
drinks loads of water or juice to stay grounded.

 Marital Arts or any of ritual dealing with the energy of  Lion/Leo, you may feel tire/heaviness or drained out during these days.


Thursday 9 February 2017

Thought for today.....

Blessings from the world of akashmic

Inhale bliss Exhale Peace 
Inhale bliss Exhale Peace 
Inhale bliss Exhale Peace
Inhale bliss Exhale Peace 
Inhale bliss Exhale Peace

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Message from akashmic hamrony

To my beautiful souls seeking to be in the spiritual /mystic path
and finding yourself considered weird or difficult by family and friends....
Its normal, I was there too 18 years ago.
These are challenges to test your mind, heart and your strength to be in this path and when you step into this path , you are guided by Higher Guides who knows what and who is best for you.
Family/in-laws/friends becomes strangers, strangers becomes your Guides/friends/family because You are in the vortex of ONE VIBRATION.

 whenever you are feeling lost/confused/sad/depress with surroundings, repeat this  :-

Blessings from the world of akashmic (8/2/17)

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind inhales peace and love,
 and exhale peace and love to Cosmic

When ever your mind is agitated or restless
take a moment to JUST BREATHE.
inhale gently and exhale calmly (few times) and you'll  realize your mind will be settling down in calmness, you will be able to sort out and think wisely.
focus on your breathing whenever you have a restless mind.

with love and light
wishing you a lovely day.


Monday 6 February 2017

Message by Archangel Michael shared by William Clark

Many people hold back love because they think it is a limited commodity, that there is only a certain amount that they have to give. This belief occurs when a person is has not yet discovered their own divinity as an individuated aspect of Source energy. When you come to the realization that not only are you born from love, you ARE love, and that not only is it an infinite resource, it is your truest, best feeling expression of self, you become comfortable with allowing it to flow.

 From honoring that truth of self and that alignment, it becomes easy to move into unconditional love. If you see people who are practicing separation and conditional love, realize they have not yet discovered their own divinity or the abundance of love they are and have access to. They are still in the pain of the illusion of separation from Source, and are experiencing themselves as limited beings.

Hear us when we say that their experience of lack of love is in no way powerful enough to choke off your experience of an abundance of love. They are simply individual choices of self expression based on what they accept as their viable options. All people would choose love, alignment, connection, and peace, if they truly believed it was available to them. This is why, especially during times of great change, it is vital to express yourself from your own truth and beingness. It is by embodying what you have discovered for yourself that you show others different potentials that are available to them, too.

 When you walk in peace, love, honour, and acceptance, you make others aware of possibilities and options that they may not have ever considered, which leads to growth and expansion. That is what the pioneers have always done – made others aware of greater potentials and options that are available, and that is exactly what the enlightening human beings are doing on your planet as you continue to shift and evolve. 

archangel M

Sunday 5 February 2017

A thought of akashmic

It is necessary for a Compassion heart to reveal its hidden fangs and claws to cunning minds.
Never get sold by these minds and be a victim of your kindness.
Stay balance as YIN and YANG 

Blessings from the world of akashmic (6/2/17)

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind is a wise mind
when mind is wise the heart is at peace and ease

Inhale divine energy to yr mind gently - hold - Exhale gently Bliss

visual receiving divine love and light from Higher Powers
 merging into your crown chakra  filling  your mind, heart, organs, every nook every corner of your body
clearing all the blockages.

- visual dark smoke coming out out your body- clearing all the heaviness, aches and pains of your body to Cosmic as love and light.  

 NOW visual your filling yourself with lovely light/symbols or anything nice that comes into your body, mind and soul.

**(to any of you having trouble to visual , you may use picture 1 as your guide)
Wishing my lovely Viewers an empowering Monday and a week ahead.


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...