Thursday 28 November 2013

Game of Quotes with Akashmic Harmony

My beautiful warriors who are unable to purchase empowering books to activate your positive thoughts,  here are some of  Louise L.Hay's quotes with other empowering quotes for your kind view. You may go through these quotes to empower your thoughts or walk into this post, close your eyes and scroll your mouse or pointer; stop at your heart desire and read the quote that your intuition picked.  THANK YOU for giving me the honor to guide you and..................

**(my sincere Thanks to Google Images)**


Wooops!!!! sorry..... the below caption is my quote, he protects me from negative vibes. Terminates and erase all my unwanted thoughts and emotions of fear /doubts.
 He is MINE  :)

Wherever you are; Whoever you are; Whatever you are going through
I wish you Love,  I wish you Well,  I wish you Abundance of good health
Good Night World.....Welcome a Perfect Tomorrow.
From my heart, body, mind and soul

Fruits, Vegetables & Smoothies to Boost Immune System

My sincere Thanks to Google Images.



Fruits and Vegetables with Divine Properties

My sincere Thanks to Google Images

Wednesday 27 November 2013

How do we stop the racing cancer using our Power of Intention

Through my eye, cancer is seen as the speed of a Racing Horse and to stop it ; we need  to use another Racing Horse .  How are we going to do that with cancer parasites??


Inhale Divine energy every moment into your mind and heart
 (symbols,  kalimah allah,  image of god/goddess, master's light, mantras and sutras)

Visual divine energy on your drink and visual sliver/gold light traveling to every nook, every corner , every organs , every cell, every fiber in your body

The food you eat; empower it with Divine energy, visual it on  your oats, soup, salad, vege, fish, meat.  (Try not to have rice)

Visual Divine energy in your daily breakfast, lunch and dinner .



 When you shower visual every drop of water from the shower are from divine energy, cleaning, cleansing and washing away the parasite away and healing your body, mind and soul.

Draw empowering divine on your pillows,bedsheets and sleep on it.

Each time a doubt pops into your mind empower it divine energy.

If you are undergoing Chemo , visual  its divine energy in it and its going into your body, mind and soul healing.

**If its Radio Therapy, visual the same and say thanks for helping you heal and heal the rest in line.

** I learned this Technique from my bubbly sister.   I have 2 younger sisters and the 3 of us are separated by ocean and space of  Malaysia, Ireland and France......never asked her how was her therapy going on  and one day took alot of courage to ask her and she bubbly told she used the above technique and saying thanks to the machine and the ray.

10 signs of Spiritual Awakening

1.       Your sleep patterns change –
 You many need more or less sleep than before.  Be gentle,  allow yourself time to adjust.  Your body will get use to the changes in time.

2.       Activity at the crown on your head –
Tingling, itching sensation running over your scalp.  
Feeling like someone is applying pressure on the top of your head.
This is the crown chakra opening .  You are receiving Divine Energy/Inspiration through the crown.

3.       Waves of emotions –
Crying, sadness or anger for seemingly no reason.
This is a release of blocked emotions and can come from the heart chakra.
Acknowledge and release these blocks as they arise. 
You are clearing old stuff from your past.

4.        Old issues keep coming back & you feel lost.
Don’t over analyze the issues that arise.  Accept and face what comes then release it.
This is cleansing and you will find your way forward.  You are not lost.

5.       Feeling of isolation or separateness.
You may feel that you are the only person experiencing what you are experiencing.
Take heart there are millions going through the same process at the same time.

6.       Your body changes.  Don’t panic or feel sad if you lose weight or put on weight.
You whole body & spirit is changing.  This will settle down when old issues are resolved.
Your vibration is rising as you surrender.

7.       Your sense have increased sensitivity
You may hear your named called, voices and sounds.
 You may also begin to see sparkles of light, shadows, light, movements or auras around objects.
Your sense are being fine –tuned and your 6th sense in opening up.
The lights , shadows & voices are those of your totem spirits & guides.
Thank them but lay down “ground rules”
8.       You begin to view the whole world and all that is supports in a new way
A new understanding.  Be compassionate and loving to all things.
You are feeling what truly “IS”.
Go with the flow TRUST

9.       You desire to break free from old habits and restrictive patterns
Do It !  Release the old so you may be filled with the new.
Set yourself free & trust in Love.

10.   Synchronicity increases –
Synchronistic events flows as you are being shown that you’re on the right path.
Numbers sequences, meetings, pictures and visions will flow in your directions
These coincidences have great meaning and tie in with your thoughts.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Happy Seeds

















My sincere Thanks to Google Images

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...