Sunday 17 November 2013

Activation of Empowering Thoughts of Recovery.

My inspiring warriors and families, here are Affirmations / mantras that can be recite as often as you can, say it when doubts try to rule your mind.  Just pick one affirmation/mantra as your heart desires. For effective practice; write these affirmation on a exercise book 108 times for 21 days or recite it 108 times for 21 days so that will be printed in your thoughts.

I  AM  whole,  Perfect,  Strong,
Powerful,  Loving,  Harmonious ,
Happy  and  Healed


All  Is  Well,  All  Is  Well
Everything  is  working  out  for  my  highest  good
Out  of  this  experience  only  good  will  come
I  AM  Safe.


I  Have  The  POWER  To  HEAL  Myself 
The  Power  To  Release  All  Negativity  Inside  Me.

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