Tuesday 5 November 2013

Heart Sutra Meditation

To my beautiful souls who are undergoing depression  or holding on to unhappy past as such childhood/teenage life, marriage, anger, hurt, fear ; may practice Heart Sutra Meditation.

What is it??
 The Heart Sutra advise the practice of meditation to gain Freedom and Wisdom and the realization of the emptiness of form, feeling, perceptions, volition and consciousness.

Meditation On Heart Sutra by Deepak Chopra
-  Do this regularly so that this ritual can focus your attention and your intention

- Go to a quite place where you are not likely to be disturbed for 15 mins

- Close your eyes, practice the primordial sound mantra "sehum" for 5 mins, placing your awareness on your breath.

 After 5 mins, put your mental awareness in the area of your heart, in the middle of your chest with your attention on your heart.

You may begin to feel your heart beating more strongly.

This is normal as you experience the beating of your heart, begin to also experience gratitude.

The way to experience gratitude is to think of the things, events and relationship in your life for which you have reason to be grateful.

Allow these images to surface in your consciousness while you keep your attention on your heart.

Take a moment to think of all the people whom you love and all the people who shared their love with you.

Then say to yourself :- " Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle. I let go of  grievances and choose miracles".

Certain resentments & grievance and the people associated with those resentment & grievance may surface in your awareness.
** If they do, just say "I let go of the grievance, I choose the MIRACLES".

Then become aware of your heart again and consciously start to breathe into your heart.  As you do, say to yourself " Love, Knowingness, Bliss, Love" and then breathe out for the same count of four.

Between each inhalation & exhalation pause for several seconds.

Do this for 3 or 4 times

The fire of your soul which is Love, Knowingness & Bliss will start to broadcast itself through the heart.  The fire of your soul now begin to create your intention.


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