Sunday 1 February 2015

Orgone Pyramid Energy

  This is how Orgone Pyramid looks like

  inside the crystal pyramid


 and this Orgone Pyramid is for Healing the World

Used for healing :-
  • cancer
  • Alzheimer
  • Parkinson
  • fibromyalgia
  • chronic fatigue
  • daily headaches
  • brain cancer
  • Lyme disease
  • asthma
  • heart problems
  • chest pain
  • insomnia
  • allergies
  • electrosensitivity (ES)/electromagnetic hypersensitivitiy (EHS)
  • multiple sclerosis (see Copper depletion by EMF)
  • high blood pressure
  • brain fog
  • forgetfulness
  • digestive disorders
  • migraine headaches
  • brain tumors
  • leukemia - general
  • lymphoblastic leukemia
  • birth defects
  • miscarriages
  • stress
  • nausea
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • lupus
  • fatigue
  • skin conditions – burning, rashes, pain
  • tinnitus and other audible noises
  • chronic pain
  • erratic pulse
  • weak immune system

By placing orgone in and around your home, you will become aware of the extraordinary change they will have on you and your surroundings. In addition, these organ devices are beautiful as well as functional.

They're easy to use, fit into every life style, are perfect for young as well as old and don't need an instruction booklet or special training to use.

Each orgone vibrates at an extremely high level and significantly increases the aura and protects from stress, negative energy and harmful, electromagnetic radiation. It accelerates the flow of energy in our bodies and acts as a preventative medicine.

Many people place them in or around areas where they relax to enhance the positive energies of that area. The orgone repel the negatives thus promoting a constant positive field to help them unwind after a busy day.

The orgone can be placed under your bed, in your nightstand, to help with insomnia and sleep better. Carrying an orgone in your purse or pocket is also a wonderful way to take positive energy with you outside your home or office.

(with Thanks to Crystal Healing )

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