Saturday 21 February 2015

We have entered the zodiac Year of Sheep

BeYoutiful people of mine, please view this message in a positive way that comes
from my Higher Self  for the highest good of all concern

Inhale gently - divine vibes into your mind
Exhale slowly - everything that doesn't serve you good
to Cosmic as love and light.

Dear One, some of you will be experiencing strong energy shift
(mentally, emotionally, studies, career, working life, relationships, friendship, marriage, with-in-laws, health, financially .....) please know that this is for a period of time as we have entered the zodiac year of Sheep/Goat. 

** If you are the person experiencing this shift, find comfort and solace with divine energy- inhale exhale divine to stay focus, be with those who you know will understands you a ( message me for techniques), listen to mantras, do chantings, take up taichi/Qigong, enhance your home with mantras/bhajans/sutras/vedic chantings .

** if its your loved one or your children - guide them with your understandings, patients, love and hugs time to time. Daily Prayers or meditation or fasting/pojoo for them will help ease whatever they are going through. 

Advise , putting force or nagging will not help them. 

** each time you or your loved one or your children have disturbance to mind/emotions....visual this pic as you or your loved one -cosmic light enters and flushes/clears all unwanted thoughts/feelings/emotions. Empower yourself or them with love and light of God/Cosmic.


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