Saturday 21 December 2013

Benefit of Chia seeds - Organic outlets

Sharing with Love and to be shared with anyone you know.

my sincere Thanks to Google Images.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Nature Walk with AH

From the book of THE MAGIC

To my Beautiful warriors , caregivers and viewers who are unable to purchase the book  THE MAGIC  by  Rhonda Byrne, here’s sharing with love and light a page I read  during my hospital stay.


We should feel healthy, energized, and full of happiness most of the time, because that is how it feels to have our birthright of full health.  The reality, however, is that a lot of people don’t feel this way very often, if ever.  Many people are dealing with illnesses, problems with the functioning of their body, or suffering from bouts of depression and other mental health problems, which are all states of less-than-full health.

Gratitude is one of the fastest ways I know to magically begin experiencing the full state of health you are meant to have in your body and mind.  All the miracles of healing we see happen are simply the result of full health being restored instantly in the human body, where before there was less than full and perfect health.  If you don’t think gratitude creates miracles in your health and body, then read some of the thousands of miracle stories on The Secret website :-

Gratitude’s  magical power increases the natural flow of health to the mind and body, and can assist the body in healing more quickly, as countless studies have shown.  The magical power of gratitude also works hand in hand with good bodily care, nutrition, and any medical assistance you might have chosen to follow.

When there is some kind of sickness or condition in your body, it is understandable that you may have negative feelings  about it, like worry, frustration, or fear.  But having negative feelings about sickness does not restore health.  In fact, it has the opposite effect – it reduces health even more.   To increase your health, you need to replaced the negative feelings with good feelings, and gratitude is the easiest way to do it.

Many people also have critical thoughts and feelings of dissatisfaction about their physical appearance.   Unfortunately those thoughts and feelings also reduce the magical flow of health.  When there’s  something  you don’t like about your body, you are not being grateful for your body.  Think about it.  By the law of attraction, complaints about your body bring more problems to complain about, and so complaining about your body are appearance puts your very health at risk.

“Whoever has gratitude (for their health and their body) will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance  (of health to their body)

You may be sick or unwell now, or even in a lot of pain, but if you are reading these words you are continuing to receive the gift of health.  It can be very  difficult to  access feelings of gratitude when sick or in pain, but even the smallest bit of gratitude helps increase the magical flow of health to the body.

Meet my friend, Buddy.  It took good care of me and followed me like a shadow during my stay at the hospital .

Saturday 14 December 2013

Brain Storming Workshop

My dear beautiful warriors,  I will be gone on a "Quest" and may not be able to blog for few days.
Here leaving you with some work to keep your mind busy.  Please do take care of yourselves.
May the world be kind to you, may your own thoughts be gentle upon you and mine as well.

What do you see???

Swan or Squirrel?

a face or a word??
tilt your head to the right and you will see the word.

duck  or a rabbit?

a lady or a saxophone player?

I see  LOVE, POWER, INTELLIGENCE and HAPPINESS and HONESTY....oops sorry, I am enjoying it.

A young or old lady?

If you enlarge this pic, look into it and squint eyes slightly, 
you will see the lovely 3D underwater world


My Personal Life Warriors who AXED cancer

My Beautiful FB friend Christina Charalambous
beaten cancer at stage 4.
Please feel free to view and follow her page
 Puzzle Pieces of Life.
She taught me to love, love, love even in times of hurt and sadness.

This is my lovely beautiful soul Swarna Darmasena, my sister .
together with her  hospital treatments, Dr Budwig's diet , Arch angels prayers and protection and affirmations she axed cancer out of her life.   Here pictures of her as a free soul enjoying her inner child  and as sisters  (3 of us), we were never serious about anything,  it all about  being nutty ,crap talks ,laughter and staying away from lower energies that puts us in dilemma by saying there is no way out.

 I love this caption of hers as a Superhero, her pose, the sunlight ray , the clouds and the photography is lovely.  Angelic.

My FB friend Maria


Thursday 12 December 2013

Join the Task Force Team of AH

Dear Beautiful warriors :-
- who are confined to bed or wheel chair bounded, Akashmic needs you kind help in sending out your love and light vibrations to as below

- Caregivers, if you are reading this, please guide your loved ones

 Pick your choice :-

      Mother Nature

 1. Stop and protect any kind of living beings from Traffickers

 2.  HIV centres

 3.Peace to living beings in war zone countries

4. Love and light to victims of bullies (GLBT,  caste, color, in - laws bully)

5. To stop  Kidnappings, rapes, any kind of evil intentions

6.  Victims of  Drug Trafficking  & Drug Addicts

7 Oncology wards/hospitals

8. ICU wards

9.  Healing vibes to Accident wards

10.  Soldiers, firefighters, flights, Oil Rig crews

11.  or anyone that comes into your mind/heart.

My pick  -  suicidal minds and  souls of sudden death.

Technique :-

relax your mind and soul with 5 intake of inhale and exhale with divine love

now that you are relax and at peace,  focus on your heart chakra (view pic)

bring your hands together as in Namaste position, then slightly separate them as if your are holding a small globe as the size of your heart

 Inhale divine vibes, visual a bright light is being collected at your heart .

Now ,visual this bright light merging out of your heart/body and spreading  to the invisible Globe you are holding in front of your heart .  Surround it with your love and light.

Say in your heart that you are sending your divine light to every nook, very corner, every alley, every part of the world for (the choice you picked).  Say "May all Living Being be well, happy and protected" or whatever that comes into your mind for the highest good of all but please do not analyze anything emotionally or mentally.......just be a Free Soul sending out good Intentions.

Send out this vibration for 5 mins to the world you are holding and then close the channel by saying  " I am now sending these divine vibes back to Cosmic as love and light".  PLEASE SEND THE VIBES TO COSMIC AND NOT BRING IT BACK TO YOUR HEART.  Why?? its is safe to send them to Cosmic and not collect other energies back to your heart.

Once you have done that say "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You"

as you do this technique often, you may find a hard kind of  jell or liquid between your palms or fingers.....that is your Chi energy.  Whoever/whatever you touch will be healed (plants & pets too)


Warriors and new warriors  God/Universal Life Force needs you,  Join Akashmic Harmony in any kind of ACT OF KINDNESS , you don't need to be a member or be associated to any Powerful, Strong Human Rights Organizations . Just join my children, friends and myself in your own unique ways to help/defend/love the weaker beings.  

To break your barriers/barbwires around you to reach out, please watch Youtube -
 What would you do?  with John Quinones.   I just loooove this programme because it motivated me to speak out for victims of bullies in public; if I been asked which Human Rights Organization I belong to.....BEING HUMAN is my answer . My children buys food for homeless or beggars they sees in streets  and it puts a smile on their face to know that a soul is not going to sleep in hunger.  :)  or

just giving a good hug to workers/foreign workers who been humiliate in public by their supervisors or Managers would be lovely.......this happens in my country specially in restaurants.  I know what is it like to be in a new land leaving families and friends behind for labor  and get humiliate each time for not understanding or mastering a new language in a month.

Souls with tattoos are living souls with a heart too .

 I just love the smile on my youngest son's face. Seen here, he is dancing with a patient at leprosarium in Malaysia.

My Princess with no boundaries 

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...