Tuesday 10 December 2013

From the Heart of Akashmic Harmony

From the heart of Akashmic,

Today,  I received an email which not only seeking for Distant Healing but a question was forward to me on why her son has the be the one to get the death sentence of cancer , why? Why it has to be him?   With her approval,  I like to share with everyone the beautiful question she asked me.  As all request are treated with love, respect and privacy,  please  respect  this sharing with love and light.

From the of Heart Akashmic  Harmony :-

I wish I  had the gift to read Akashic Records of humans but I am  only a Reiki Master and I will try my best to look into the question with love and light of my Higher  Self.  
I know there are many warriors who are angry, devastated, hurt, depressed  that they or their loved ones have to take the “death sentence”.   Well….. do you know that I too facing  death sentence  but unlike yours; you know about it , the doctors  tells you, you or your loved one go for series of tests,  get  hospitalized and get your treatment going,  friends and  families starts a prayer circle where you or your loved ones will be surrounded by divine / positive vibes and  YOU ….will transform yourself to the divine path or you shut yourself off and wait for death to empower you.  To some; you may lose your loved ones  but you spend time being with them, taking good care of them, every moment with them is a bliss and filling them with love, love and love and you are always there chanting/praying for a blissful journey.   But  for non cancer people and I , death comes at anytime, anywhere , any place uninvited like :-

I had a journalist friend who was  does UN works  and was shoot  death by a stray bullet.  If only the parents/family and friends knew about it before, they could have spend more time being with him.

I knew a Japanese journalist was taken hostage by militants and was beheaded when the demands were not meet.   I could feel  his last moments of  fear and the parents agony .

Both my bother-in-law and sister knew of a freind who's 13 years old son committed suicide and his parents doesn't know why he did that. They moved away from that house.

There are parents who send their children to schools and later gets emergency calls  that they child been kidnapped  or brutal killed.  

Young girls kidnapped  by Human Traffickers  and parents don’t  know if their daughters are still alive or death somewhere in this vast world and  these parents are undergoing therapy sessions.

Motorcyclists dies instantly in road accidents while their wives or mom awaits for their arrival.  My children and I have seen many of this in Puchong  Highway.

Raped and brutally murdered , bodies dumped where families  are unable to locate the body of their loved ones.

Paul Walker was  cancer  free but he died young and sudden.

My flight  maybe highjacked and the terrorist could just pull me out  and pull the trigger on me  if they get annoyed and restless.

Children of Plastine, Children of Afghanistan, Children of Syria or any  war zone countries and Natural Disaster.

I am in a healing session with a mom who’s  daughter  died in an accident  5 years ago,  till today she is unable to let go and kept saying " if only I knew……I could have spend more time with her, if only I knew she was going to go in that manner I could have stopped her from going out……if only I knew it was the last I am seeing her I could have followed her in the car….."

I had a young sweet doctor in my FB grieving her brother's dead (drowned), its been 3 years now and she is holding on to the last moments of him with her before he went for a swim and never came back.

So; my beautiful  warriors, are you  the only ones who are facing death sentence and suffering in your mind?? 

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