Friday 6 December 2013

Human Chakras, Colours & Functions

FIRST CHAKRA  -   The Root or Base Chakra
Physical Location  :-  found at the base of the spine

Colour   :-   RED

Associated  Organ :- Sexual organs

Functions  :-  
It grounds you, gives you physical vitality and controls your sexuality and creativity. When it is functioning optimally you are well grounded, have good physical energy and experience total well-being without stress.  You are also creatively fulfilled and able to express your sexuality appropriately.

MALFUNCTIONING :-   This client will have difficulty grounding.  When in communication with this client, the practitioner will feel drained afterwards.  This client will have difficulty in holding on to finances and there will be a history of either physical or mental problems.  Very often this chakra function poorly in people who have been abused as children.

AFFIRMATION :   It is safe to be in your boby


SECOND CHAKRA    The Feeling Chakra

 Physical Location  :-  found slightly to the left of the navel

Colour  :-   ORANGE

Associated Organ  :-  Spleen

Functions  :-
This chakra controls the feeling tones of the body and in some people it is the centre of their intuition.  In  Japan, this area is known as the hara and energy that is created in the first chakra is stored here and re-distributed   throughout  the body as it is required.   When it is functioning optimally the client feels peaceful with themselves  and  the world.  When  they are in tune with their own needs,  they will tend to act as opposed to react.  They will have very good intuition and will be successful in their career.  It is very pleasant to be around a person whose second chakra is working well as there are no strings attached to any interaction.

MALFUNCTIONING :-   when a second chakra does not work well, he/she will have considerable physical problems in this area, varying from indigestion, irritable bowel problems, ulcers, diabetes or  circulatory problems.   He/she may have mood swings or behave in a very demanding fashion.  He/she may also have suicidal tendencies if this moodiness is turned inwards.




THIRD CHAKRA  -  The Power Chakra

Physical Location  :-  found at the base of the breastbone,
 and it is called the power centre

Colour  :-  YELLOW

Associated Gland  :-  Adrenal glands

Functions  :-
The third chakra has to do with the logical thinking mind, will and power.  When this is functioning well, the client will have s sense of pride in themselves.   They make clear logical decisions, and, taking their emotional welfare into account, they set realistic goals in life and usually achieve them.  Failure is not experienced as something negative, but as an opportunity to reassess goals and objectives.

MALFUNCTIONING :  When a person’s third chakra is not aligned correctly, there is a subconscious fear of success.  The person is either uncomfortable with responsibility or will take on a considerable amount of responsibility but work with it in such a way that it is destructive for themselves and others.  The latter group of people adults who were not validated as children.

AFFIRMATION  :  It is safe to be powerful.



Physical Location :- positioned at the centre of the heart

Colour   :  Green

Associated Gland   :-  Thymus Gland

Functions  :-
It controls the love we give to ourselves and others.  In some people it is the centre of intuition instead of the second chakra.  These people feel things in their  heart before they feel them in their gut.  When it is functioning well as person feels light-hearted.  They feel love and compassion for themselves and others and for all situations which come into their lives.  They are considered to be strong hearted.  People who have the ability to see non-physical frequencies of energy tell us that the soul resides within the heart.

MALFUNCTIONING  :-   When this chakra is not aligned properly there will be problems with the heart on a physical level.  Emotionally one feels heavy-hearted.   Love will be given to themselves and others in measured amounts with no sense of infinity or abundance.  These people feel vulnerable to other people’s moods and needs and usually create a relationship of co-dependence in order to create safety.

AFFIRMATION :  It is safe to give and receive love.



Physical Location :  found in the throat and in the neck

Colour  :    Blue

Associated Gland  :-   The Thyroid

Functions   :
The fifth chakra controls our expression and creativity.  When it functions optimally, people express their emotions and thoughts freely.   They experience a quality of flexibility in their lives, adapting easily to the changing circumstances of life.  The back of the throat chakra controls a telepathic centre with which one feels non-physical frequencies of energy.

MALFUNCTIONING  :-  When this chakra closes down, people become choked up, as happens , most commonly at funerals, and the Oscar ! .  There  is also a tendency to develop physical problems in the throat and neck.  This chakra is very closely associated with the second chakra.

Affirmation  :  It is safe to express your ideas and emotions.


Physical Location  :  It lies in the middle of the  forehead, just a little higher than the eyebrows.

Colours  :   Indigo (or the colour of the evening sky)

Associated gland   :  Pituitary Gland

Function  :
When this centre is properly aligned it gives people a sense of vision of where they are going in life and how to prioritise things.  It is closely associated with the third chakra.  When highly developed it permits people to see non-physical frequencies of energy such as the auric field around people, or non-physical entities such as angels.   Blind people very often see in colour.  This is made possible through the third eye, when the physical eyes are no longer functioning properly.  People with perfect sight see colours with their eyes closed – again through the third eye.

MALFUNTIONING  :   When this chakra is not functioning well a person finds it difficult to see different aspects of life.   They tend to have tunnel vision.  They are also afraid of being in the public eye or being singled out in any way.  When it is too strong, the person will be known as a dreamer.  He/she will have lots of good ideas but will find it very difficult to implement them.  When there is good grounding, he/she will go into organization and get other people to follow these ideas.  When the grounding is weak, however, all these great ideas go to waste as the individual does not know how to implement his/her creativity.

AFFIRMATION  :  It is safe to see and be seen.


PHYSICAL  LOCATION  :   found in the crown of the head

Colour   :  Violet or Purple

Associated Gland  :  Pineal Gland

Function  :-
The seventh chakra is the location of union between a person’s internal energy and the universal energy or God.  During a Reiki workshop, this area of the body becomes  extremely warm.  When it is functioning well, a person experiences as sense of peace and oneness with life.   There is a sense that life is a supportive experience.  You are aware of the spiritual dimension of life.  People living in countries like India, Burma, Ireland and Tibet have highly developed seventh chakra, as, whenever you go in these countries, statues to spiritual deities and saints are very visible and spirituality is an intergral part of the life there.

MALFUNCTIONING  :  When the seventh chakra is not properly aligned, he/she experiences as sense of isolation described by Mother Teresa as spiritual poverty.  You feel you must control everything in life or you will be controlled by it.   When the seventh chakra is overdeveloped he/she feels the need to be alone with their God/Godness over the course of a lifetime.  Material matters and their fellow companions are of no consequence.

AFFIRMATION :  Accept your oneness with the God/Goddess and with all things.

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