Sunday 30 November 2014

Grounding yourself

Beautiful people of mine who are undergoing/facing any form of problems/troubles.
I have this technique for you

Grounding Yourself Technique is a very simple tool, you visual/imagine a connection to the Earth

- relax in a sitting position or standing (referable in yr garden or in a park with Nature)

- inhale and exhale gently

- extending from your 1sr chakra ( root or base chakra) into the centre of the Earth
(you may visual roots or light merging from your chakra to the centre of the earth)

- It allows you to release other people's energy, pain you might have, troublesome emotions, sub- personalities, illness through the ground cord

It is very simple and very powerful

(for effective  2-6 hours of meditation)

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Walk With Me by Munda

A Beautiful Life begins with a Beautiful Mind

Victorious Beings of mine
Have a Victorious Day with AH, filled with empowering vibes
Allow Sunlight to shine your heart, body, mind and soul
clearing all blockages and obstacles of your path
Everyone of us are a Blessings to this time and space.



Tuesday 25 November 2014

Love, Light and Blessing

You are Loved by the Light Workers World

Wishing my Beautiful people a Victorious Day

Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind creates bliss thoughts/emotions/feelings

"Don't be emotional upset of your surroundings
Take what is good into your life and discard what is not,
Just like you are drinking a cup of tea.......
you sip the tea but not the sachet".
- Bhante Wimala Shantha -


Victorious Beings of AH

Blessing from the World of Akashmic

My Beautiful Warriors, 
You will no longer be addressed as AH's Cancer Warriors 
or Silent Victims of Bully because every Battle has
 an end of Victory.
As I have renounce my past and accept only good that is blessed upon me so are my lovely Beings

You are NOW my Victorious Beings
(a name given by my Higher Self)

Sada Sukhi Honto, 
where ever you are, whoever  you are,
whatever  you are going through
my only wish is may you be well, happy and at ease.
** Please feel free to join me sending vibes to victims of Human Trafficking/ Sex Slavery to every nook, every alley, every corner of the world. If you are reading this post, please take a moment to send your love and light to these Beings.

 Sada Sukhi Honto. 

Sunday 23 November 2014

Blessing from the world of Akashmic Harmony

Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begin with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind radiates a Beautiful smile from the heart

I have been away from blogging, for a week, but
 Beautiful viewers of mine has been keeping this Blogs alive with daily viewing.

From the Heart of Akashmic Harmony

Its was a Beautiful time spend being a Novice Monk
clearing,  cleansing and letting go. I have written a daily journal and I will be sharing it at this blog soon but NOW my ultimate test is being tested of  the  meditations I practiced during the week......
placing everything back in order in my house which was "bachelor's home " for a week.

Have a Glorious Day my Beautiful Beings
May you be Well, Happy and Blessed.
Stay Bless knowing you are loved by Light Angels


Can you spot AH??

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Viewers at ( Sue Sena) align to this Blogs.
it has reached 100,276 viewing.
12/11/14 @ 3:48pm

Monday 10 November 2014

Its Your Passion, Your Purpose, You Life...........

Message from the World of Akashmic

Honouring Silent Earth Angels

Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with Beautiful Beings around us
These Beautiful Beings will always Up lift us

Surround yourself with those who sees the greatness in you,
and love every energy of yours
even when you don't see it yourself but they do
They are the ones who takes responsibilities of  loving you, healing you
 making you smile and laugh again, making you important in their lives, when they are not the ones who have hurt you.......strange but true.


GC SMK Taman Sea (1982) Reunion - 9/11/14

Form 5 Arts 2 (1982)

after 30 years

I am here with Abdul Latif (Standing) , we were seated next to each, front row of the class for 2 years (form 4 & form 5) and copied from each other during test & exams (he was weak in English and I was zero in Maths so an agreement was made to help each other :)) but for SPM we got separated due to alphabetical sitting position.  Seated on my left is his beautiful wife.

Saturday 8 November 2014

A still mind

The answers you seek never come
 when the mind is busy,
they come when the mind is Still.

Once Broken, Its No Longer Original

 As above As below As in heart
We may be able to fix back something that is broken by forget and forgive but; its never the original shape. The Love, Trust and Respect will never be there like how they used to be that's Because we had a choice to manifest Happiness or misery to our love ones. Fear of betrayal will always be there.

(let it be as Mothers-in-law &daughters-in-law, husband and wife, parents and children, Mentors, friends, couples &.....)


BeYoutiful people of AH, 
Wishing a bliss Sunday filled with love, romance and happiness with your loved ones

I will be soon heading to my Class Reunion Lunch
(Golden Class Sek.Men Taman SEA 1982)
I am so looking forward to meet all my form 4 & 5 Arts 2 friends
Its the 3rd reunion but the FIRST for me
THANKS TO FB they found me.

Nostalgia of 1981 & 1982. 
The most happening class in the School, blacklisted class for Assembly canning on Mondays, made some teachers cry for not submitting paper work in time, boycott teaching by many teachers, spot checks for ganja and smoking in boys toilet 
so......... we named our class 
but today all the naughty ones are the  most successful individuals that had sponsored reunions.

Bliss day everyone, will be back with pictures


Friday 7 November 2014

A Warrior or a prisoner??

A Warrior will fight every Battle with her Warrior Blood
Every Scar of her shows she survived from a betrayal Love
that made her a Warrior....... who she is today.

Without this betrayal and disappointments in her journey, 
she could still be a prisoner of feared Love


Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day Begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind sends out a lovely fragrance
of love, light, peace and ease to their loved ones.....
near, far or across the world.

When our heart is pure and crystal clear
about/on whatever we practice in life, without hidden agenda
Universe Life Force/Divine force/God will always love us and connect us to our intent/LOVE ,trust me..... 

Whatever you are going through in your thoughts NOW, of losing your love is not done by anyone
its your own teaching to your followers and to the World. 

Exam comes in theory and practical



I am loved by many
I am feared by some
I do no harm when its comes to LOVE

Exhale your stress out

Thursday 6 November 2014

Good Night BeYoutiful People of mine

Star Light Star Bright
Akashmic is the only star up tonite

Good Night and Sleep well my lovelies
wherever  you are, whatever you are going through
I wish you Well, Peace and Ease

With love and light , I am sending Prayers and Reiki Vibes to very nook, very corner of the world to ease pain and discomfort to all Living Beings.

Medical Team and Ambulance Personnel, you are Earth Angels on Standby Mode while the World is asleep.  

Unique GLBTQ, Healing Hearts/Soul, Silent Victims of any kind of bully, Disabled and all those who are seeking for a Light in their lives...YOU ARE LOVED by the Light Workers world.

 If you are feeling stress, discomfort, lonely, restless or missing-ness of your Beloved-

Inhale-Exhale as gently as you can

Close your eyes and think about the person you love and moments spend with them (in any way) then you have a smile on you  and your whole system is at relax mode....

place your hand on your heart chakra and feel the warm energy of them with you.




SYTYCD4 - Katee & Joshua - Bollywood (Dhoom Taana) [HD] Enjoy happy hormones

SYTYCD season 9 , Witney & Chechon - Bollywood ( Amazing ....Love is Art, Love is Dance)

Tuesday 4 November 2014


Journey of Oness

Enjoy your Journey
Walk in silence and share your Love and Light
creating "ONENESS"

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

Stillness of the Mind is always beautiful to the Heart
Silence of the Heart is Beautiful to the Soul
A Lovely soul will understand when its be define or judged
according to human mind.
Never judge anyone without knowing their life story
We may think that we know or understand them but;
honestly we don't because they are seen Normal as we are. 


Quote - Thank You, I love You

Sunday 2 November 2014


Empower your medication with LOVE energy

From the World of Akashmic 

Dear Warriors who are undergoing treatment today
Akashmic wish you ALL IS WELL
always get the blessings of your Higher Self
Remember to empower you treatment ( ray, liquid, machines) with love energy
and THANK these things for helping you recover.
May the treatments/medication be kind and gentle upon your 
body, mind and soul.

 My lovely Warriors who are uneasy, weak and feeling discomfort  after treatment
Loving Reiki Hugs from Akashmic
You did well and GOOD HEALTHY cells are invading your system.
Any Battle involves POWER, ENERGY, STRENGTH, GOOD STRATEGIES  to  RECLAIM the castle we lived before. 

 You have the power to empower yourself with LOVE vibes,
Go ahead do it NOW!!!

Wishing Everyone a day filled with love and joy - Breakfast with Akashmic

Blessing from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day beings with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind always creates Happiness to oneself and others
Seeing the beauty/Magic in every situation
While others may give up or feels, there is no exit to be Happily Ever After
A Beautiful Mind will find ways to keep it alive.


Saturday 1 November 2014

Mike Oldfield - To be free ( I hope You will enjoy this clip, lovely music, inspiring words)

Silence comes in many form......

Silence is Golden
Silence is Love
Silence is Peace
Silence is Meditation
Silence can also be.... "Work In Progress"

Its your Life
Its your Passion
Its your Love
don't be bullied into other people's opinion on what is best for them
by asking you to sacrifice all that you love doing/being. 

Love does not Judge/Doubt or Punish, only Human thoughts do

A Beautiful Day Begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind creates Loving thoughts
Its not selfish, It doesn't doubt/judge/punish

when you find Stillness of the mind, you can feel your true self
Vibrate at your own Unique frequency
Radiate the Originality of you and
 find the things and people that resonate with your soul
Make  your life a symphony of  expression


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...