Sunday 23 November 2014

Blessing from the world of Akashmic Harmony

Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begin with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind radiates a Beautiful smile from the heart

I have been away from blogging, for a week, but
 Beautiful viewers of mine has been keeping this Blogs alive with daily viewing.

From the Heart of Akashmic Harmony

Its was a Beautiful time spend being a Novice Monk
clearing,  cleansing and letting go. I have written a daily journal and I will be sharing it at this blog soon but NOW my ultimate test is being tested of  the  meditations I practiced during the week......
placing everything back in order in my house which was "bachelor's home " for a week.

Have a Glorious Day my Beautiful Beings
May you be Well, Happy and Blessed.
Stay Bless knowing you are loved by Light Angels


Can you spot AH??

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