Thursday 6 November 2014

Good Night BeYoutiful People of mine

Star Light Star Bright
Akashmic is the only star up tonite

Good Night and Sleep well my lovelies
wherever  you are, whatever you are going through
I wish you Well, Peace and Ease

With love and light , I am sending Prayers and Reiki Vibes to very nook, very corner of the world to ease pain and discomfort to all Living Beings.

Medical Team and Ambulance Personnel, you are Earth Angels on Standby Mode while the World is asleep.  

Unique GLBTQ, Healing Hearts/Soul, Silent Victims of any kind of bully, Disabled and all those who are seeking for a Light in their lives...YOU ARE LOVED by the Light Workers world.

 If you are feeling stress, discomfort, lonely, restless or missing-ness of your Beloved-

Inhale-Exhale as gently as you can

Close your eyes and think about the person you love and moments spend with them (in any way) then you have a smile on you  and your whole system is at relax mode....

place your hand on your heart chakra and feel the warm energy of them with you.




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