Monday 26 November 2018

From the heart of Akashmic - Peace Malaysia

Peace Malaysia
Respect each other's
Feelings, Culture and Religion
that is the BEST solution for
Peace & Unity.

Blessings from the world of akashmic.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind train it's self to learn only good out of any situation.
It doesn't encourage fear and other negative vibes as it's guide.

Breathing In -    I AM inhaling HIM
Breathing Out -  I AM in HIM


Wednesday 21 November 2018

Thought of the day.....

Lotus is the only flower that teaches us
where we reach is important
not where we come from.

Blessings from the world of akashmic.

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind produce lovely thoughts and emotions

Thank You dear viewers for your kind viewing and keeping this blog alive while it's been in silence due to inevitable reasons.

I hope to be back  blogging the soonest on self healing, meditation
and sharing my energy shift.

To my LGBTQ beings ,
 always know that you are loved by Light workers.
Never feel unwanted,  there is a perfect reason for you to be at this time and spaces. Always remember ......

My cancer warriors, 
never give-up your Kingdom.
fill your body, mind and soul with divine love and light.
visualize your treatment/chemo/radiation as Divine Light entering your body , repairing and healing your organs.
Breathing In - Divine Light 
Breathing Out - Your cancer cells to Cosmic as love and light.

My  lovely victims/silent victims of bullies,
your heart is filled with love and that is why you are being bullied.
Your bullies do not have special powers to be in control....
bullies are lack of love and respect, they just seek for attention 
so YOU need to show them your hidden claws and your 
built up your confidence by practicing Kombat exercise/Martial Art exercise/ Haka steps on YouTube.

and to all others seeking for love and light to RISE from whatever situation you are in,
your own HigherSelf is your GUIDE.
get connected to your HIGHER GUIDES through your Act of Kindness/ Calmness/ Breathing Meditation/Practicing Mindfulness / Truth.
Breathing In - I AM 
Breathing Out - Divine Love.

Do take care and see you all the soonest.

Love and Light 
akashmic harmony   


Wednesday 24 October 2018

from the heart of akashmic

Blessings from the world of akashmic.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind,
a beautiful mind produce bliss thoughts.

To my lovely viewers,
THANK YOU so much for your kind viewing
and keeping this blog alive.

Inhale - I AM
Exhale - Divine

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Healing thoughts

Blessings from the world of akashmic.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiates beautiful energy.

Gently Inhale - Aham (I AM)
Gently Exhale - Prema (DIVINE LOVE)

Gently Inhale - Aham (I AM)
Gently Exhale - Prema (DIVINE LOVE)

Gently Inhale - Aham (I AM)
Gently Exhale - Prema (DIVINE LOVE)

Gently Inhale - Aham (I AM)
Gently Exhale - Prema (DIVINE LOVE)

Gently Inhale - Aham (I AM)
Gently Exhale - Prema (DIVINE LOVE)

stay blessed stay grounded stay love

Tuesday 31 July 2018

From the heart of Akashmic.

For all the challenges and tough times I been through in my life 
I take them as lessons of  blessings.
Gratitude in my thoughts, speech and actions,
I am at total peace with gratitude in my heart, mind and soul
I  appreciate and love my life to my highest good.
- akashmic harmony -

Sunday 29 July 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiates love and light to those around .....

Wishing my lovely viewers a healing and empowering week ahead
"May you always have good thoughts, 
May you always be kind in word/speech,
May you always actions wisely".

These are the gateway for your Beyond world.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind lives a beautiful life.....

Wishing all my lovely viewers
a bliss and ease day.
stay blessed stay love and stay grounded.

Thursday 28 June 2018

Thought of the day.....

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates lovely thoughts.

Love and Light to my beautiful viewers
Thank You for visiting my blog and keeping it alive.
May you live a good life.

Breathing exercise with akashmic

 Inhale gently - I AM
Exhale gently  - Divine

Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I AM at ease.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I know this is a wonderful moment.

Breathing in,  I know I'm breathing in.
Breathing out, I know as the in-breath grows deep,
the out breath grows slow.

Breathing in makes me calm,
Breathing out brings me ease,
With the in-breath, I smile
With the out breath, I release

Breathing in, there is only the present moment.
Breathing out, it is a wonderful moment.

Thursday 7 June 2018

Good Night with gratitude....

Good Night from my part of the world
A beautiful mind sleeps at ease and peace
for a greater Tomorrow.

while  we are asleep there are Earth Angels on standby mode
protecting us and making sure we are safe and secured.....
while risking their lives, at times we forget that they exist .....

to our great soldiers risking their lives for the country,  
to the doctors and nurses on nite shift,
to the Medical Team at ER,
to Firemen on standby mode,
to all Police Personals on duty.

and to my beautiful people who are unable to sleep well.
lets mediate :-

Inhale gently -
Exhale gentle - release all your stress

Inhale gently
 Exhale gently - release all your worries/pain/issues

Inhale gently
Exhale gently - relax your brain cells/mind/thoughts

Inhale gently
Exhale gently - relax your face muscles

Inhale gently
Exhale gently - relax your neck

Inhale gently 
Exhale gently - relax your shoulders

Inhale gently
Exhale gently - relax your spine

Inhale gently
Exhale gently - relax your chest, lungs

Inhale gently
Exhale gently - relax all your organs step by step

Inhale gently
Exhale gently - relax your muscles

Inhale gently
Exhale gently - release all unwanted vibes/issues to Cosmic
 as love and light.

May you be at ease and peace.


Sunday 27 May 2018

Wesak Greetings

Wesak Message

Inner Peace Affirmation.

Blessings from the world of akashmic.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful creates lovely thoughts to be at bliss
in midst of all chaos.

Inhale gently -   I AM
Exhale gently -  DIVINE LOVE

Inhale gently -   I AM
Exhale gently -  DIVINE LOVE

Inhale gently -   I AM
Exhale gently -  DIVINE LOVE

Inhale gently -   I AM
Exhale gently -  DIVINE LOVE

Inhale gently -   I AM
Exhale gently -  DIVINE LOVE

Wishing all my Viewers  a blessed week ahead
May you be in good health.
May you succeeded in your given  task/job/assignments. 
May your therapy/treatments/surgery goes well with the blessings of Higher Powers.
May  you be loved to the very best.
May you be at Zen as a caregiver.


Monday 21 May 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind ( fill in your own words)

Inhale gently - I AM
Exhale gently  - DIVINE LOVE

Wishing my beautiful viewers a blessed week.
May you be well and happy.
May you be free from all obstacles.
May you be loved .
May good vibes come your way.

Friday 11 May 2018

Blessings from the world of akasmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful mind A Beautiful Mind creates happy thoughts seeing the beauty of everything it touches

Raise yourself to the level of energy where you are the light you seek,
where you are the happiness you desire,
where you are the love you feel is missing,
where you are the unlimited abundance you crave
View the world as an abundant, providing, friendly place
by doing this just like AH , you'll see a world that wants you to be
successful and abundant, rather than one that conspires against you
- Dr Wayne Dyer -

Thursday 3 May 2018

Natural healing with Cumin seeds and Black cumin seeds.

 Boil about 2 table spoons of cumin and drink it daily.


You may put few seeds in your drink or blend and sprinkle it on your food.

Blessings from the world of akashmic.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful thinks and acts wise .

Your calmness may create fear to those who wants to see in chaos.

Monday 9 April 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates a beautiful life.

Remember to breathe well my dear viewers
Inhale gently - I AM
Exhale gently- DIVINE LOVE

Saturday 7 April 2018

To those in any form of pain

Breathe with Thich Nhat Hanh

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind,
a beautiful mind has the ability to create a beautiful life.

Beautiful Viewers of mine,
for your kind views and keeping this blog alive
while I wasn't able to sent out posting because of health reasons. 

Always take care of yourself  by giving yourself space to breath well.
Try to love your organs and every cell of your body.
Tell them how much you love and appreciate them.
Let them know or hear you, that they are your Miracles.

Inhale gently - expand your lungs
Exhale gently...........................

Thursday 15 March 2018

a thought....

even its broken a zillion time ,
a spider never gives up or leaves the spot.


Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind is a lovely mindset.

Allow life to flow as a River,
Be firm as a Mountain,
Well rooted as a Banyan tree......



Monday 12 March 2018

Saturday 10 March 2018

Just a thought.....

Those who express overdose of Love and gives you too much of  fantasy promises
 are those who will destroy your heart.
LOVE is silent but is always there for you,
it doesn't express the fantasy of love because
it takes care of your heart as its own.....

Friday 9 March 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic

Why do some of us allow ourselves to hate, dislike and judge someone based on listening to gossips?
breaking relationship,marriage, friendships, family just by listening to others.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Unslave yourself.

a beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind is always well grounded.
We are a slave to human made conditions and terms
 We are being pressured at all times
We live with  many thoughts in our mind
We live to satisfy others
We are always rushing for time.....

What if we do this technique to stop us from being a slave to all above....
 try doing this when you are rushing for time or
afraid  you will be caught in traffic or obstacles , 
or afraid you may not be in time or afraid things may not work out well , or afraid of being bullied at work place/school/college....

 take time for yourself, relax your mind, body , heart and soul, do this:-

Inhale -  I AM
Exhale - Divine Love to the place you heading too (visual)

Inhale  - I AM
Exhale - Divine Love on the person bulling or intimidate you at work/school/husband/wife/in-laws...

Inhale  - I AM
Exhale - Divine Love on the situation of being pressured on you.

Inhale - I AM
Exhale - Divine Love on the person in pain due to illness.  

 Inhale - I AM
Exhale - Divine Love ( on anything that's bothering you)

when I became a slave to time and situations, rushing for my parents needs, rushing for my family's needs with loads of responsibilities in my mind,  Higher Guides guided me to this technique to be the Master of Time and situations for me to move at ease and peace mindfully.


Wednesday 21 February 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind.

 Inhale gently - I AM
Exhale gently - DIVINE LOVE

 as we practice to be at ease and peace or practice meditation
we will be tested to upgrade ourselves.
when you are able to see your life storms as lessons to evolve you,
when you are able to take the challenge that your can "grip lightning" bravely
and all whatever you are going through is "chicken feet"
You will be upgrade to "Turbo" level
A level to demand and Command - YOU deserve the best.

Friday 16 February 2018

Message from Higher Intellingence.

if you are discriminated/sideline/bullied/disliked.

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates loving thoughts

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

Inhale - Divine vibes
Exhale - LOVE

You are important to this time and space
You are a lovely soul, only the wise sees it
You are Powerful, your challenges/struggles are sharping you to discover your hidden wisdom, strength and abilities.



Wednesday 14 February 2018

Thought of the day - The Magic of LOVE

Blessings from the world of akashmic

 A beautiful mind creates a peace and bliss life.

 When people pass judgement upon us or a bully.
 It  may not be relevant to us but......
 it is relevant to them 
as that is the reflection of their mind
so we need to understand that there is a  deep suffering of unhappiness inside them.

Sunday 11 February 2018

3rd week - Aham Prema (I AM DIVINE LOVE) on Chakras

 inhale gently  -  A H A M
 exhale gently  - P R E M A
inhale gently  -  I AM
 exhale gently  - DIVINE L O V E 

Please do this breathing  few times to relax your mind and emotions,
as you do this breathing you may realize that :-
- when you inhale/breathe in Aham-  you expand your stomach area
- when you exhale/breathe out Prema - your stomach goes in/sucked in. 

This is Qi Gong breathing - Dan Tian point (fire point).
this point is few inches below our navel, 
so don't be afraid or get confused if you are guided to this breathing. 

For this 3rd week breathing technique, 
once again we do a simple visualization meditation but this time its on our chakras.  

 what are chakars?
 chakras are our power point stations in our body
and we will focus on our main 7 chakras. 
Please refer to the picture below.

Please take note that while doing this technique, you may be guide 
- from Root chakra to Crown chakra or
- from  Crown chakra to Root chakra. its ok. 
I normally go from Root to Crown chakra.

Let's start .... breathing gently at each chakra:-

Inhale AHAM   ( I AM ) at root chakra (red)

 Inhale AHAM   ( I AM) at  Sacral chakra (orange)

Inhale AHAM   ( I AM ) at Solar Plexus chakra (yellow)

 Inhale AHAM   ( I AM ) at Heart chakra (green)

 Inhale AHAM ( I AM) at Throat chakra (blue)

 Inhale AHAM   ( I AM) at Third Eye chakra (indigo)

 Inhale AHAM   ( I AM ) at Crown chakra (Purple)

 Please be at ease and peace while doing this technique.
You don't have to go into deep focus or concentration, do not analyze anything... JUST ALLOW ...... 
This technique will unblock your blocked chakras,  cleansing and activate your chakras (power stations)

**side effects of this breathing technique/meditation.
If you feel light headed or experiencing dizziness ,
 you need to ground yourself by drinking loads of water.

Some of you may find yourself at peace and harmony with one of the chakra colors.

with much love and light,
akashmic harmony. 

 for General Knowledge.


Thursday 1 February 2018

2nd week - Aham Prema (I AM DIVINE LOVE) breathing technique.

 if you are done with the 1st week of Aham Prema breathing technique, lets carry on with the 2nd week this technique.

 inhale gently  -  A H A M 
 exhale gently  - P R E M A
inhale gently  -  I AM DIVINE
exhale gently  - L O V E 

Now as we inhale , we do a simple visualization meditation to our body.

example - 

Inhale AHAM  to the mind
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAMto facial
Exhale  PREMA

Inhale AHAM to our bones, joints, shoulder blade, elbow, hip bone, thigh  knees , spine
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to lungs
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to breast area
Exhale  PREMA area

Inhale AHAM to heart
Exhale LOVE

Inhale AHAM to liver
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to pancreas
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to stomach area
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to kidneys
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to womb /prostate area
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to ovaries
Exhale PREMA

Inhale  AHAM to blood cells
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to every nerve and veins in body
Exhale PREMA

Inhale AHAM to blood vessels
Exhale PREMA 

Inhale AHAM to muscles

If you are a victim of bully/harassment
Inhale - AHAM
Exhale PREMA - to the person bullying you

by doing this breathing technique, we are clearing all blocked and stagnant energies in our body, 
(for tumor or parasites, tight muscles, clogged arteries and other issues that's making us  unhealthy).

Note :-
to those who are ONE with Higher Powers/Universal Life Force
when you mediate and you are able to sense energy at your 3rd eye,
you may do this....  Example:-
 for Diabetes, while doing this technique you say....
"my pancreas is producing the right amount of Cosmic insulin"

" my bones, joints, teeth, spine, shoulder blades, hip bones are receiving the right amount of Cosmic calcium".  

for cancer patients , you may say :-
" my .....(name the organ or the area that needs healing) getting the right dosage of Cosmic nutrition ".
 **(please DO NOT use the word Chemo or Radiation)

Just a gentle reminder that as you carry on doing week 1 and 2 technique, your diet may change to Pranic food and Yogi drinks.  

What is Pranic food and Yogi drinks?
food and drinks that has energy in them, soaked and taken Raw.

(you may check on YouTube on what or how pranic food / yogi drinks are).

with much love and light

akashmic harmony

Monday 22 January 2018

Blessings from the world of akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
a beautiful mind creates a beautiful life
seeing its life challenges/pain/struggles/experiences
as an exam to RISE and evolve.......

  always know this......
people will judge you from their level of thinking,  
Higher Intelligence will honor you to their highest good.

Inhale - I AM Divine
Exhale - LOVE

Sunday 21 January 2018

Cosmic colors you see in your thoughts.

Aham Prema (I AM Divine LOVE) breathing technique - 1st week

Wishing my lovely Viewers an ease and empowering Monday.
May this week bring you good vibes.

Sharing here with much love and light,
I'm been invited by Higher Guides to tap into Cosmic in my spiritual journey via meditation,
 its a beautiful privilege a human can ever have. 

Here, I'm sharing the technique of breathing AHAM PREMA also  known as "I AM DIVINE LOVE".

Inhale gently through nostril    -    A h a m
Exhale gently through mouth -     P r e m a
Inhale gently through nostril - I  AM  Divine
Exhale gently through mouth  - L O V E

As you are doing this, you may find yourself getting relax.

You may do this exercise whenever you need too ...
while at work
while driving
while cooking, doing housework
held in  traffic
depress, upset,  disturbed
at any time.... just active yourself to this healing energy.
by doing this you release all tension, stress, heaviness, blocks and stagnant energy of your thoughts, feelings and body.

* to my Muslim viewers, 
you may use kalimah Allah (in arabic/jawi) 

May you heal.


Monday 15 January 2018

My Reiki experience healing a 9 year old leukemia (2008)

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind,
 a beautiful mind begins a beautiful day.

Dear viewers ,
Thank You so much for your constant viewing at this blog
May the self healing techniques that you view heals you
May it bring you peace and ease to your life,
knowing there is always an exit to everything
when it comes from Higher Powers/God/Universal Life force

In October 2008, I was connected by Reiki vibes to 11 year old girl with leukemia,
with 8 session of chemotherapy and at the same time the hospital prepared her parents for few session of counseling to be prepared for her death.
Her mother was my son's school teacher and I still recall her mom's words " Many people told me that my daughter has One life so I took unpaid leave to be with her ".

It took me some days asking myself ....
Why death?
why not see Recovery? or Coming out of it? 

With the help of self healing, Reiki and Tai Chi exercise
(energies that don't talk death but only healing to the highest good)
that 9 year old girl is 22 years old at this present moment because
 Leukemia is not written as how she should leave this world on her
birth star and Higher Powers connected her to the path of self healing.


Wednesday 10 January 2018

Learn self healing - Su Jok Therapy

What is Su Jok Therapy?
 Su Jok therapy is a Korean self healing technique using our palm as pressure point.
By massaging the pressure points of the organs area on our palm , it will stimulate the affected area, a curative energy wave goes back to the affected body part removing the cause of disorder and the body restores its health and stability


seeds used for the therapy :-
mung dhal
black pepper 
kidney beans


how seeds are used in Su Jok Therapy
at pressure point areas.
by giving a massage to the pressure point areas,

we stimulate and revive the organs, cells and muscles of affected area.


 Pressure Point for -
heart, lungs and chest area.
- use mung dal to
massage or stimulate these areas.
- use black pepper for
asthma , cancer, tuberculosis, congestion or blockages


 Pressure Point for pancreas
massage using thumb or mung dhal for diabetes
use black pepper for cancer.
and pressure point for Rectum problem or cancer.


  Pressure point for Breast
massage for lymph nodes or cancer.
right breast - right palm
left breast - left palm
for pressure point for sinus- thumb


 Pressure point for
shoulder blade (frozen shoulders)
- elbows
- knee problem
for stiffness/cramp/discomfort of legs due sitting for long hours fight or driving ,
massage your middle and ring finger.


 Pressure point for Ovaries, womb and cervix
to avoid cysts, fibroid, cancer.
pepper seeds for cancer massage.


Pressure point of our spinal cord.
- back aches, bed ridden or
- paralysis due to fall or accident
give gentle massage every day to this shown area .


Pressure Point to stimulate our kidney.
groove between ring finger and pinky
(diabetes, kidney problem, kidney stones, cancer)
right kidney - right hand
left kidney - left hand


Thank You Thank You Thank You
akashmic harmony

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...