Saturday 12 December 2015

My Neem tree

Sharing my thoughts about my Neem tree which is connected to my vibration.  Many a times when my husband has an intention of trimming or cutting of the branches of this tree, my heart gets very sad because of its spiritual purpose and shouldn't be thrown or discard with disrespect.  Everything is energy as we say ...... my Neem tree too listens and to soothe my heart , its sends out vibes for  someone to come over and ask me if they can trimmed some branches of leaves for Hindu temple functions and prayers which makes me very happy to know that its been used for a good purpose.

If you have a Neem tree, you can do a Holistic cleansing bath for a week or for 21 days.
Take the leaves as your heart desire and blend with water , at bath time just rub the texture all over your body and face, rub together on palms and  run through your chakras - start from your Crown to the Root  chakra removing all unwanted energy in your body and grounding yourself the the center of Earth. 

love and light
akashmic harmony


 Note - the below text is taken from Google Web shared by individuals, they are not my own or original  text.

I am sharing with love as I did my research on Neem for
"Cancer and Us"

 The neem tree

The neem tree is one of the main plants of Ayurveda. Each and every part of the neem is used for curative purposes, from root to leaf. It is a large tree, which grows up to fifty feet and prefers a tropical climate, although it grows throughout India. Its leaves are serrated and pointed like a spear and the leaf formation is beautiful, giving it a delicate and feathery, feminine appearance. Neem purifies the atmosphere and kills germs. Therefore, it is grown at the south side of houses and in hospital grounds. Delivery rooms are fumigated with its burning bark. It is believed to be particularly protective of women and children.

The English name for neem is Margosa and its botanical name is Azadirachta indica. It is from the meliacae family and in Sanskrit it is called nimba. Neem is the Hindi appellation. It has been identified on 5000-year-old seals excavated from the Indus Valley civilization. There are two types of neem – mittha or sweet neem, and karwa or bitter neem. There is a saying in Hindi, Satya neem ki taraha karwaa hota hai – “The truth is as bitter as neem.” Just like truth, neem is bitter to take also, but if you can bear it, it can save your life.
Neem is used to combat tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, and worm infestations. It is used in vomiting, skin diseases, and excessive thirst. It heals wounds, reverses gum disease, reduces high blood pressure, and is used to treat arthritis, malaria, diabetes, liver disease, and cancer. Neem leaves reportedly remove toxins, purify blood, and prevent damage caused by free radicals in the body by neutralizing them. Neem seeds and leaves are purported to be spermicidal. 
Healing properties of Neem
The root, bark, resin, gum, twigs, leaves, seeds, flowers and fruit of the neem tree contain chemical compounds with extensive therapeutic qualities, including: analgesic, alterative, anti-inflammatory, antithelmintic, antipyretic, antigastric, antifungal, antimicrobial, antienemic, antibacterial, and antianxiety.    

 Bathing in a neem leaf infusion is excellent for swelling ulcers, eczema, leprosy ulcers, soothing scabs and clearing away scars after the pox. There are also many brands of neem soap with no chemical additives that not only keep the body fresh and clean, but are also excellent for the skin.
  The benefits of neem have been extensively and scientifically studied. The components extracted from the seeds, leaves, flowers and fruits of the neem tree have been used in traditional medicine for the cure of multiple diseases including cancer for centuries. These extracts show chemo preventive and anti-tumor effects in different types of cancer. Two bioactive components in neem, azadirachtin and nimbolide, have been studied extensively. The key anticancer effects of neem include inhibition of cell proliferation, induction of cell death, suppression of cancer angiogenesis, restoration of cellular reduction/oxidation balance, and enhancement of the host immune responsive against tumor cells. These effects are tumor selective as the effects on normal cells are much less. Furthermore, neem extract sensitizes cancer cells to immunotherapy and radiotherapy, and enhances the efficacy of other chemotherapeutic agents.
 The spiritual aspect of neem
The neem tree is rich in spiritual qualities, and it is believed to be inhabited by devas, illumined beings. Venerated by Hindus, it is dedicated to the Goddess Mariamma who is believed to preside over all epidemics. A bunch of neem leaves is hung above the door as a sign of the presence of this goddess in the house. India’s earliest societies used neem leaves to exorcize spirits.

Tree marriage: Before a girl’s marriage in India, a ceremony may be performed with the neem tree. The neem represents the girl and it is married to the banyan tree, which is the symbol of her husband. If she is fated to lose a husband, that fate will then be transferred to the banyan and it will die, not her husband.

The neem tree beautifies and purifies the environment, gives shade, healing vibrations and medicine, and nourishes the earth in return for the life it draws from her. Therefore, we can understand why it has been called ‘earth’s wish-fulfilling tree’ by the classical texts.

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