Friday 11 December 2015

Who and How did Akashmic form her Task Force Team ??

 Why did Akashmic form a Task Force Team??

Who are these people in her Task Force Team??

How to be a part of this Team ??

Is this Task Force Team real or false ??

 Answers to your questions :-

Calling for all GLBTQ, Silent Victims of bully, Victims of Abused/Bullied Daughter-in-laws, Healing Heart/Soul, Disabled,  Anyone who been sideline or discriminated by their community and society  - are free to be apart of Light Worker's World with Akashmic Harmony.



The Lightworker’s identity

Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread Love and Light – knowledge, freedom and self-love – on earth.
They sense this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic work of some kind.
Because of their deeply felt mission, lightworkers often feel different from other people.
By experiencing different kinds of obstacles on their way, life provokes them to find their own unique path.
Lightworkers are nearly always solitary individuals, not fitting into fixed societal structures.

Are You this ?? :-

- You trust in Love and Peace

- You wish to help others

- You care deeply about Human kind

- You're conscious of Mother Earth

- You are soul connected

- You're Gifted creatively

- You feel different and odd being with others

- You have to follow your heart

- You feel everything so intensely

- You Believe in Freedom and Changes

Akashmic Harmony welcomes you to the world of Light Workers

You task :-
send out Love/Healing vibration through your Heart Chakra to heal as your heart desires
If you are attuned/aligned  to any spiritual vibration, please use that technique.

Pick your choice of Task  :-

to yourself ( health, mental happiness and other issues)

to your loved ones

to cancer/HIV beings

for victims of kidnapped, abused, raped your read in your daily news Media.

to victims of Human Trafficking

to Silent victims of bullies

to Mother Nature

to Nature and it's dwellings

to lost , devastated and wandering souls died of sudden death

to every nook every corner of the world to ease all
conflict we are going through

Technique :-

relax your mind and soul with 5 intake of inhale and exhale with divine love

now that you are relax and at peace,  focus on your heart chakra (view pic)

bring your hands together as in Namaste position, then slightly separate them as if your are holding a small globe as the size of your heart with the image of the choice you picked

 Inhale divine vibes, visual a bright light is being collected at your heart .

Now ,visual this bright light merging out of your heart/body and spreading  to the invisible Globe you are holding in front of your heart . 
Surround it with your love and light.

Say in your heart that you are sending your divine light to the person/issue/situation for protect and safety. 

- If its a kidnapped case send the energy to the person dead or alive to be found.

- If it an air craft or a Shipliner, visual it in your Globe.

please do not analyze anything emotionally or mentally.......just be a Free Soul sending out good Intention.

Send out this vibration for 5  to 10 mins  and close the channel by saying  " I am now sending these divine vibes back to Cosmic as love and light".  PLEASE SEND THE VIBES TO COSMIC AND NOT BRING IT BACK TO YOUR HEART. 
Why?? its is safe to send them to Cosmic and not collect other energies back to your heart. 

** if any of your loved ones are traveling, use the same technique:-
example -  take down the flight number, name of Airline, boarding place, transit places and touch down destination. Send energy of protection for ALL on board.

** use the same technique daily for your loved ones (protection, health, studies, career , future path)

Once you have done that say "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You"

 With GREAT Love, 
Akashmic Harmony Welcome you as a Light Worker.
My beautiful GLBTQ, you are a unique soul passing through this time and space for a perfect reason
Whenever you need this....... remember words of Akashmic
"Only the wise see your unique Love and Light"

with love and light
Akashmic Harmony

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