Saturday 9 August 2014

AH's wish for you on 10/8/2014

Hello my lovely warriors, caregivers, Medical Team, silent victims, silent healing heart/souls and my ever lovely GLBT.

A Beautiful day begins with BeYoutiful Beings like you all
BeYoutiful Beings are created with being in the Beautiful world of AH.  agree??

Where ever you are,Whoever you are,
Whatever you are going through
I wish you Well, Happy, Success , Peace and loved.
This is the LOVE from the World of Akashmic to you
Thank you for flying over this blog.

May the Power of our prayers and LOVE
change selfishness, discrimination, abuse of power to LOVE
change the usage of weapons to Healing Hugs
children's fear to trust.....

 1 year old Akashmic with her mom.   cute...naa???

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