Wednesday 6 August 2014

Reiki Tea with a drop of Nano Love from the world of Akashmic.

My Beautiful Warriors, silent victims, unique GLBT, healing hearts, healing souls
How are you doing?? My only wish is ALL IS WELL in your part of the world.

To my beautiful Beings who are stress and feeling lonely,
You are Loved by Akashmic's world.

Inhale ~~~~~ exhale~~~~~ gently
Letting go of your stress
allowing your thoughts to know  you are loved and adored.
Placing your hands on your heart chakra, when you feel a warmness, its Akashmic sending you Reiki vibes to ease all your worries and stress.  

Have a bliss nite with the aroma of Reiki Tea with a drop of nano love , soothing your body, mind and soul.   <3 

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