Saturday 2 August 2014

Make a Gift from your Heart - Head Crown

 My precious BeYoutiful Warriors, so sorry that this task been delayed for days,  I had to await for my photographer to be back from his hostel.

My BeYoutiful Warriors (male and female)
dare to try out this task,  from your heart to your Spouse/girl friends/ Caregivers/Doctors/ daughters/grand daughter/Nurses or to you BeYoutiful self.  

Caregivers, if you are a viewer, it would be nice to make a lovely head crown for your warrior

To my precious warriors who are confined in bed , this is your divine talent

The Principle of  World of Miracles and Mystic is;  there no such thing as "The End" in your story. Activate your mind,  Be in the world of Mystic with lovely head crowns.
  Things that need  for Head Crown:-
-Glue Gun and its glue
-wires (from flower accessories shop)
- green  sticky tape
- artificial flowers

 get the measurement around the forehead or as you desire

 make a circle end

 Dislodge the flowers

leaves too

make a mock head crown to get the pattern as desired  

 cut a short length of green tape

 wrap the sharp ends of the wire crown
 (to avoid injuries to the scalp)

 using of glue gun

 spread the wire to glue/stick the flowers

glue the flowers


 glue leaves  

 stick/glue them to the wire

taaaa daaa

 or you can use ribbons to make your lovely Head crown

 and as you do/practice often, you will sharpen your skill 
like these...

 Photography by Dhillon Siri Simon - One Point College

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