Tuesday 19 August 2014

Bedtime story from the World of Akashmic

Gather around my BeYoutiful Warriors and everyone that loves the world of Mytic

Once upon a time there were no KFC, McDs, Subway, Chat time, Starbucks, Malls, Cineplax or Cyber Cafes for dating or getting to know meeting point so two hearts spend time dating in a forest , carving their thoughts/feelings on tree barks, entertain each other with songs from their heart not from Youtube or other cyber sources, listening to tranquil sounds of nearby stream and the forest dwellings not of their mobile rings, sms, instaragam, watzzzup or even blogging ...so they lived happy ever after without interruptions  .     - Once Upon A Time Production House -

Ok,, that's all for tonite, Goodnite my dear ones, sleep well 
to my discomfort warriors, pls do gentle inhaling and exhaling
of Akashmic's vibration to the area that is needed to ease the discomfort.   Honestly from my heart, I wish  my hands/thoughts are of Miracles Healing to ease and heal warriors.

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